On the 23rd local time, Georgieva, President of the International Monetary Fund, published an article on the official website of the International Monetary Fund, warning that under the continuous threat of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, increased financial market volatility and climate change, the global The economy may be facing its biggest test since World War II.

  The article pointed out that since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, about 30 countries have imposed restrictions on trade in food, energy and other key commodities.

This would increase trade barriers, disrupt global supply chains, drag down economic growth and undo the gains of the past years.

If countries are allowed to develop, the cost will be enormous, and everyone will be affected.

  The article said that the global economy is facing a series of disasters, and we need to make a choice: either succumb to the current global geoeconomic division, let the world slide to the brink of poverty and danger, or change the way we cooperate.

The article calls for all countries to cooperate in strengthening trade exchanges, helping developing countries deal with debt problems, and tackling climate change.