Zhongxin Finance, May 20 (Li Jinlei) On May 20, the National Bureau of Statistics released the average salary data for 2021. In 2021, the average annual salary of employees in urban non-private units in 2021 will be 106,837 yuan, and the three with the highest annual average salary. The industries are information transmission, software and information technology service industry with 201,506 yuan, scientific research and technical service industry with 151,776 yuan, and financial industry with 150,843 yuan.

  In 2021, the national average annual salary of employed persons in urban private units will be 62,884 yuan, and the three industries with the highest annual average wages are information transmission, software and information technology service industry with 114,618 yuan, financial industry with 95,416 yuan, and scientific research and technical service industry with 77,708 yuan. .

Regardless of whether it is a non-private unit or a private unit, the IT industry is the highest.
