
There have been many complaints about communication charges, especially 5G 5G charges for mobile communication.

Some pointed out that it was expensive and not speedy, and there was also a problem that there was no middle because there were only rate plans with too much or too little data.

Let's take a look at what reporter Jeong Seong-jin covered and share more.


There are a lot of customers who can't use up their data in 5G plan these days.

This is because the high-priced subscription provides too much data.

[Hyunah Yeo / 5G plan user: (out of 110GB) 50GB (used.) (Family) It is burdensome for all four of us to use a high rate plan, so I use the high rate plan alone and share data with my family.]

On the other hand, the low-end model has too little data and there is a risk of being cut off.

Your 5G plan data provision is either too much or too little.

The average monthly data usage of 5G service users is around 26GB.

By the way, the three mobile carriers split the plan into two and charge 55,000 won for 12GB or less and 69,000 won for 110GB or more.

Even if you look at nearly 100 5G plans, including budget phones, they are broadly divided into two categories, either too little or too much data.

The Presidential Transition Committee emphasized that users' options are limited and that the choice should be expanded.

[Ki-Tae Nam / Member of the transition committee of the direct presidential takeover: The user's options are limited due to the limited (5G) rate system operation.

(5G) To expand users’ options through diversification of rate plans…


If you create a so-called 'intermediate rate plan' with an average usage of about 30GB, it is likely to pay around 60,000 won per month.

The three telecommunication companies announced that they are considering introducing an intermediate rate plan to expand customer options.

(Video coverage: Kim Won-bae, Video editing: Lee Seung-hee)



Reporter Jeong Seong-jin is here.

Q. Isn't this the first time that you have pointed out the absence of an 'intermediate rate plan'?

[Reporter Jeong Seong-jin: Yes, this is a point that has been raised since 2019, when 5G service was commercialized.

The telecommunication company explained that the plan was simplified, but from the point of view of the consumer, the choice is limited.

The problem of not having a low-cost plan was solved to some extent by introducing a budget phone.

The problem now is that there is no intermediate rate system that is proportional to the data communication volume and average volume.

Last year's national audit also pointed out that all three telecommunication companies announced that they would review it in order to expand options.

But so far, none of them have come up with a specific plan.]

Q. Why are you hesitating about the 'intermediate rate plan'?

[Reporter Jeong Seong-jin: In a word, it is because of money.

If the mid-rate plan is introduced, more people will leave the high-priced plan, and then the profit will decrease.

The telecom industry asserts that declining revenue makes it difficult to expand capex, which can slow 5G quality improvement.

However, even now, considering that 5G quality is not as good as the ones promised by telecommunication companies, and that the three telecommunication companies achieved profits of over 4 trillion won in 10 years last year, it is not enough for telecommunication companies to use this as a basis for improving quality and worsening profits. There are many views that it is.]

Q. Possibility to diversify rate plans?

[Reporter Seongjin Jeong: I returned the phone call to the telecommunication companies today.

A telecommunication company said that it is internally reviewing the intermediate rate plan and is preparing.

Due to the nature of the telecommunication industry, if one carrier offers a rate plan, other carriers have no choice but to follow.

In addition, since the number of 5G subscribers is still only about half of the number of LTE subscribers, there is also an expectation that the number of LTE subscribers can move to 5G if the mid-rate plan is introduced, so it is likely to be introduced this time.]