(East-West Question) Xue Lan, Dean of Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University: What is so special about "the way of economic governance with Chinese characteristics"?

  China News Agency, Beijing, April 28th: ​​Where is the "way of economic governance with Chinese characteristics"?

  ——Interview with Xue Lan, Dean of Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University

  Author Liu Wenwen

  What is "the way of economic governance with Chinese characteristics", and where is the "speciality" compared with Western countries?

What is the significance of China's governance in the world's governance?

  Xue Lan, Dean of Schwarzman College of Tsinghua University, said in a recent interview with China News Agency "East West Question" that China is a country undergoing development and transformation, and it will undoubtedly face many new problems in the process of transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy.

It is to address these issues that China has continued to push for reforms.

  Xue Lan pointed out that the so-called economic governance is to organically combine the government and the market, that is, the "visible hand" and the "invisible hand", so as to make the economic system run better.

  The traditional view is that when the market fails, the government should act.

There are many types of market failures, such as natural monopoly. The state needs to deal with the problem of natural monopoly through government regulation.

In addition, it also includes information asymmetry, the provision of public goods, externalities and so on.

These problems all have market failures, and the market cannot allocate resources effectively, and the government needs to solve them through public policy means.

Workers are busy on a production line at a manufacturing company in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yang Bo

  Xue Lan pointed out that from the current point of view, all market economy countries follow this theory, which is a common problem.

But for China, a very different point is: China is a country in transition, facing many new problems in the process of transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy.

  For example, in the process of reform and opening up, there have been problems of unclear property rights, some areas have the problem of underdeveloped market entities, and the market regulation system is still in the process of gradually being established... These are China's transition from a planned economy to a market economy. The things that must be solved and encountered in the process require the active promotion of the government.

  "This is reform." Xue Lan said that China's reform and the construction of a socialist market economic system include dual content: on the one hand, the establishment of market regulations, and on the other hand, to solve market failures, both require the government to play an active role in the reform process. Role.

  Some Westerners who don't understand China's development process regard China's economic system as excessive state intervention. How should they view this?

  Xue Lan said that compared with other countries, the Chinese government seems to be doing more in the economic field due to the objective transformation needs, but in fact many actions are promoting reforms.

At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that some local governments have certain problems in intervening in the economy, so it is necessary to further promote reforms and use facts to prove the rationality of China's economic development model.

  "In the past few years, China has made a lot of efforts in reforming the economic system, streamlining administration and delegating power, hoping to minimize unnecessary government interference as much as possible," he said.

Aerial photography of the new landmark of Shenzhen Bay - the charming "sprout".

(UAV photo) Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Wen

  Xue Lan also pointed out that, in fact, China has many innovative approaches in terms of how to improve the regulatory system and how to maintain stable economic development through macro-control, and China is summarizing its experience and sharing it with the world.

  "Of course, this also requires other countries to see which of China's experience is applicable and which may not be applicable according to their own national conditions. This is a process of mutual learning and mutual exchange." Xue Lan said.


Interviewee Profile:

  Xue Lan, senior professor of liberal arts at Tsinghua University, doctoral supervisor, academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, former Dean of the School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University, currently Director of the Academic Committee of the School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University, Dean of Schwarzman College of Tsinghua University, concurrently serving as Tsinghua University China Director of Science and Technology Policy Research Center, Dean of Tsinghua University Artificial Intelligence International Governance Research Institute, Chief Expert of Tsinghua University Emergency Management Research Base.

Well-known scholars and authoritative experts at home and abroad in the field of public administration. He has been selected as "40 Returnees from China in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up". His research fields include public policy and public management, science and technology innovation policy, crisis management and global governance. Learn to explain.

He has long been committed to promoting the innovation and development of public management disciplines, and has published more than 200 academic papers in both Chinese and English, and more than 20 monographs and edited in Chinese and English.