Video meetings, document sharing, online check-in, mobile approval... Nowadays, to go to work, you don’t have to step into the office, take out your mobile phone, and turn on your computer. “Office workers” can join an online meeting and share with colleagues in the “cloud”. Complete work tasks.

With the support of the collaborative office platform, online office has become a trend and is developing in a more efficient direction.

  Save time on your commute

  Recently, Ms. Li, a financial practitioner who lives in Shanghai, started working from home.

"The work tasks have to be completed on time, and many communication matters have been transferred to online meetings, which is very smooth." Ms. Li said.

  A netizen said that during telecommuting, work can be more immersive and focused, and no one will suddenly come to the side to initiate a communication invitation, so as to avoid time being divided into pieces, and the saved commute time can also be used for rest or reading.

  Some Internet companies have conducted research on telecommuting, and some respondents said that the biggest advantage of telecommuting is that there is no need to commute, which saves a lot of time; in addition, the office environment is more free and comfortable, and the office hours can be arranged flexibly.

Some people pack a dedicated office environment at home, while others prefer spaces outside the home, such as shared office spaces, cafes, bookstores, paid study rooms, etc.

  However, the flexible online office model is not suitable for everyone.

Some people said that the boundaries between work and life are becoming more and more blurred, and it is necessary to have strong self-management skills to plan the content of work and life.

In addition, due to the lack of meetings, the necessary social interaction with team members is lacking.

  For Ms. Liu, who works in writing, online office has become the norm.

She has lived in Wuhan, Guangzhou and other cities, and now she is in Beijing.

"My work has always been relatively free, I just need to connect with the editor, so I don't need to '9 to 5'. Now, I need to go to the company one day a week to work, but I attach great importance to it, and I have a sense of ritual at work." She Say.

  Increase work efficiency

  The 49th "Statistical Report on Internet Development in China" released by the China Internet Network Information Center shows that as of December 2021, the number of online office users reached 469 million, a year-on-year increase of 35.7%, making it one of the fastest-growing applications in terms of user scale. .

  With the development of information technology and digital economy, cloud-based collaborative practices such as cloud signing, cloud bidding, cloud interviewing, and cloud training are becoming a new trend.

The realization and rapid growth of online office cannot be done without the support of tools and platforms.

Ms. Liu said that on the collaborative office platform, when she was pulled into the group as a new member, she could view the last 100 chat records and quickly understand key background information.

When switching between the computer and the mobile phone, all chat information will also be synchronized, so that communication can be contextualized anytime, anywhere.

  In addition to the most common remote meetings, the collaborative office platform has also introduced more and more nuanced functions such as online punch-in, instant communication, document editing, data processing, work groups, electronic official seals, electronic signatures, financial reimbursement, and mobile approval. Support employees and organizations to achieve seamless connection, efficient collaboration, and accelerated innovation at work.

These functions are not only used in various enterprises, but also penetrate into various government services.

  Yuan Lingzi, vice president of Feishu Consulting, an enterprise collaboration and management platform, said in an interview with this newspaper that easy-to-use digital tools can first improve office efficiency, free people from simple and inefficient repetitive work, and focus on more valuable things superior.

For example, in the past, meetings may be lengthy and invalid information. With Feishu platform, you can write documents first and then hold meetings, effectively saving time and accurately obtaining key information.

Secondly, in the era of information and knowledge-driven innovation, it is very important to improve the efficiency of information flow. The collaborative office platform has reshaped people's communication and collaboration mode. Remote communication and instant access have effectively improved the efficiency of team management and talent management.

Moreover, the production and distribution of knowledge is ubiquitous today. Using tools to efficiently manage knowledge and disseminate wisdom can maximize the accumulation of personal assets into organizational wisdom and form a new knowledge management model.

  Cross-district office more

  At present, many "office workers" are accustomed to adopting a hybrid office model that combines offline and online.

Obviously, online office brings not only the change of work place, but also the change of work mode, which is a new test for the company's management method, personal self-growth planning and supporting tools and facilities.

  Fu Xujun, vice president of DingTalk and head of collaborative products, said in an interview with this newspaper that from the perspective of enterprises, most large and medium-sized enterprises will set up offices in at least two regions. It is more and more likely to rely on collaborative office software or tools to improve office efficiency and reduce various travel expenses.

  "It is foreseeable that the transition from fixed and centralized offices to mobile and multi-location offices will be a trend. This trend puts forward higher requirements for collaborative office, and it is necessary to further improve the efficiency and quality of information flow and ensure real-time information. Synchronization, information symmetry, and consistency from top to bottom are ultimately reflected in the improvement of business management efficiency." Fu Xujun said.

  Industry insiders pointed out that in the future, collaborative office applications will not only meet the office needs of real-time communication, but also help more organizations achieve intelligent and digital transformation with the help of new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. Target for office applications.