Glacier is a natural ice body that exists for many years and has a state of movement along the ground, and is also an important freshwater resource on the surface.

Glaciers are mainly distributed in the Antarctic and Arctic, and in other regions only high altitude mountains can form glaciers.

  It is well known that with global warming, the melting of glaciers is increasing.

It is worth noting that if the climate continues to warm, in addition to the increased melting of the glacier, the increase in the internal temperature of the glacier will lead to the acceleration of the flow of ice and even the disintegration of the glacier.

  So someone proposed that if all the glaciers on the earth melted, then the earth would become the sea.

However, the actual answer is no.

  The scientific community has done relevant simulations on the melting of glaciers around the world. When all the glaciers in the world melt, the global sea level will rise by nearly 60 meters. Don't let the earth sink into the ocean.

  Does that mean we can sit back and relax?

The answer is also no.

According to the statistics of China's two glacier catalogues, since the global warming in the 1950s to around 2010, about 8,310 glaciers in China have completely disappeared, and the glaciers have shrunk by 12,442.4 square kilometers as a whole.

From Tencent News & China Environmental Protection Foundation & L'Oreal Paris: "Guarding Glacier White": 2022 China Glacier White Paper

  The melting of glaciers will cause the permafrost to thaw, which will reduce the function of permafrost to conserve water, cause grassland degradation in related areas, and aggravate land desertification.

In addition, the desertified highlands will become sources of sand and dust.

At the same time, the melting of glaciers will expand the lake, affecting the surrounding ecology and species balance.

  The intense melting of alpine glaciers can also lead to some natural disasters.

For example, glacial lake outbursts, floods, glacial debris flows, etc., are more prominent in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Himalayas.

  A more dire consequence is that the melting of glaciers in China may cause rivers to stop flowing, exacerbating the water crisis in the arid regions of the northwest, and may also affect the southeast.

In the future, the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers may also cease to flow.

  Numerous analyses have pointed out that the increase in global temperature caused by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions is the main cause of glaciers' retreat.

At the same time, industrial pollution such as black carbon aerosols settles on the surface of the glacier, which reduces the albedo of the glacier and is also an important reason for accelerating the melting of the glacier.

  In order to prevent the melting of glaciers and protect the living environment, people have also made many attempts.

Swiss scientists have already used white wool blankets to block and reflect solar radiation on the Rhone and Geshen glaciers, and experiments have shown that they can alleviate 60% to 70% of the seasonal glacier ablation.

  In August 2020, a research team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences covered the Dagu Glacier on the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with a white reflective and heat-insulating blanket covering an area of ​​about 500 square meters, experimenting with artificial means to slow down the glacier's melting.

From Tencent News & China Environmental Protection Foundation & L'Oreal Paris: "Guarding Glacier White": 2022 China Glacier White Paper

  In addition to these direct means, companies are also reducing carbon emissions in various ways.

At present, two L'Oreal factories in China have achieved zero carbon emissions. It is expected that by 2025, all L'Oreal factories will be 100% carbon neutral.

Many of L'Oreal's raw materials come from nature.

The widely-watched L'Oreal white bottle uses ferulic acid as the core whitening ingredient.

In the extraction process of strong antioxidant ingredient - ferulic acid, green extraction method is adopted.

This approach reduces energy consumption and uses solvents with minimal environmental impact.

  In order to better reflect the concept of "protecting the skin's whiteness", L'Oreal Paris and news agencies also jointly launched the "protecting the glacier white" public welfare event. The last piece of the earth is white."

The campaign aims to contribute to the conservation of glaciers by calling for a low-carbon lifestyle, promoting emissions reductions.

  Consumers are also starting from themselves, reducing unnecessary consumption such as disposable tableware in their lives, using less energy, less packaging, and more products using recycled raw materials such as glass, paper, and aluminum, as well as products that are relatively simple to process. .

Charity Mini Program Step Donation Page

  On the occasion of the 53rd Earth Day, the "Guard Glacier White" public welfare applet introduced the mechanism of donating steps to protect the glacier. Consumers can use the applet to realize their desire to protect the glacier and protect the earth with every step. Build the earth, the common home of mankind.