Editor's note:

  Every Chinese who works hard to live is the most beautiful struggler.

It is precisely because of hundreds of millions of strugglers that China is today.

For ten years, pay tribute to every struggle of you.

Let us work together to forge ahead in the new era, and work hard towards the future.

  Recently, in Wangjia Community, Dandu Sub-district, Wanshan District, Tongren City, Guizhou Province, Xu Ping, a relocated resident, showed reporters her skills of crocheting flowers with woolen threads.

With one hook and one pick, the wool went around Xu Ping's fingers and the crochet needle, and a pot of beautiful roses "bloomed" in her hands.

  In 2019, Xu Ping's family of three moved to a relocation site in Wangjia community. In order to take care of the children, Xu Ping came up with the idea of ​​starting a business at his doorstep.

Through her continuous efforts, her works have not only been loved by consumers, but she also has her own studio.

Nowadays, more and more local people who are relocated come to study with Xu Ping. They work hard with their hands to get rich.

(Wang Mei Tao Guohua Pan Yanyu produced Yuan Chao's video source Wanshan Rong Media Center)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]