[Explanation] In the warm spring, cotton planting has been launched in various parts of Xinjiang from south to north.

On April 12, accompanied by the roar of locomotives, 700,000 mu of cotton fields in Shache County, Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang started broadcasting one after another.

Unmanned machines shuttle back and forth in cotton farmer Shao Lei's 500-mu standardized cotton fields, laying mulch, drip irrigation belts, precision seeding, and subsequent application of drones for cotton field management to spread pesticides. Unmanned operation has become the daily routine of cotton farmers, which is more conducive to The income of cotton farmers increased steadily.

  [Concurrent] Shao Lei, a cotton farmer in Shache County, Xinjiang

  In the past, we planted 500 acres of land, and it took six days to sow. Now, after using the Beidou navigation system, it only takes three days to sow the 50,000 acres of land. Now sowing, filming, and drip irrigation are all at one time. Just get it.

The spacing is also accurate, and the emergence rate and seeding rate are much higher than before. It is very convenient for our future management, including harvesting. In the past, manual spraying was carried out with a pipe in the ground, which was very labor-intensive. Man-machine spraying medicine, three or four hundred acres of land to hit casually.

The overall increase in production and income than before.

  [Concurrent] Cotton Farmer Remutila Tohetiniyaz, Shache County, Xinjiang

  Now I plant an acre of land for 25 yuan, and I can sow more than 100 mu of land every day and earn nearly 3,000 yuan.

And now the sowing is intelligent, no labor is needed, saving time and effort, and now I have learned the Beidou navigation system, and I can operate it myself.

  [Explanation] In order to guide cotton farmers to scientifically carry out spring ploughing production, professional and technical personnel are organized in many places in Xinjiang to go deep into the fields to provide technical guidance throughout the process.

The government at the village level in Xinjiang transfers the scattered land to large planters, which not only improves the productivity of agricultural labor, but also broadens the channels for villagers to increase their income.

  [Concurrent] Deng Junqiang, Secretary of the Party Branch of Tuanjie Village, Bagawati Township, Shache County, Xinjiang

  Ten thousand mu of fertile land directly drives the employment of nearly 170 people in our Tuanjie Village.

In the next step, we rely on farms to integrate our collective village land of 500 mu as a breeding base for improved varieties to drive the improvement of refined varieties.

  [Explanation] Deng Junqiang introduced that this year, the 500 acres of high-quality collective land in the village will be used to cooperate with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to build high-standard drip irrigation. It will build a scientific and technological cotton demonstration garden and an improved seed breeding base to increase cotton production and farmers' income.

  Xinjiang is the main cotton producing area in China. Its cotton is famous for its long pile, good quality and high output. From 2020 to 2021, Xinjiang cotton output will reach 5.2 million tons, accounting for about 87% of domestic output.

In 2022, Xinjiang's intended cotton planting area is 36.39 million mu, and the average planting area per household is expected to increase by 3.18% over the previous year.

  Reported by Zhao Yamin, Yao Wennuer, Dongjiang, Shache County, Xinjiang

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]