Zhongxin Finance, April 9 (Zuo Yukun) Is it really necessary to "loan and loan"?

  In the past two days, there has been news that a bank in Guangzhou has launched the "relay loan" again, but it "died away" within a day.

What exactly is a "relay loan"?

Can the buyer use it?

Data map: Guangzhou Hedong Bridge photographed by drone.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Jimin

"Parents' main loan and children's repayment", Guangzhou "relay loan" one-day tour

  On April 7, some media reported that the “relay loan”, which had been banned for a long time, was quietly launched in some banks in Guangzhou.

  "Relay loan" refers to buying a house with the qualifications of the parents, and the parents, as the main lender, and the children bear the responsibility of repaying the loan together.

According to reports, the main lender of the "relay loan" needs to be between the ages of 18 and 65. The longest loan is 30 years according to the age of the children. The parents and children's running water can satisfy more than twice the monthly payment. The minimum interest rate for the first set is 5.4%, and the second set 5.6%.

  In fact, "relay loan" is not a new thing.

As early as 2006, "relay loan" appeared in many large commercial banks; the last time it sparked extensive discussion was in 2019, when a bank in Hangzhou launched a "relay loan" product that can be loaned to the age of 80.

  Although from the original design, the "relay loan" can extend the original repayment cycle, which means a lower monthly repayment amount, and the borrower's repayment pressure will also be reduced.

But in fact, this will affect the implementation of real estate macro-control policies.

  Some intermediaries said that if you have already purchased a suite in Guangzhou, you are not eligible to purchase it according to the existing policy.

However, if your parents have not bought a house in Guangzhou, you can buy and apply for a relay loan with your parents' quota, and enjoy the policy of the first house.

  Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of E-House Research Institute, said that the relevant children borrowed the qualifications of their parents to avoid the purchase restriction policy, and avoided the loan restriction policy through "relay loan", which has become a financial policy to "assist" real estate speculation. "Stop".

  In addition, some bank staff said that through the "relay loan", the second set becomes the first set, and the down payment is 30%, but Guangzhou's policy stipulates that the down payment for the second set is 50%, which is directly suspected of violation.

  Therefore, "relay loans" that circumvent the loopholes in the purchase and loan restrictions have long been in a gray area, and have also been banned in Guangzhou and other places.

It took less than 24 hours for the re-emergence of Jianghu this time, and it was urgently stopped in the middle of the night that day.

Data map: A corner of Guangzhou city.

Photo by Wang Jian

"Children's main loan, parental guarantee" or the same suspected violation

  "Ancestral Loans", "One Loan Forever", "One Loan Is Passed Down For Three Generations, and People Take The Loan"... For a long time, home buyers have never stopped complaining about such loans, and they are often ridiculed as "foolish man listens." It's all about the insider."

  "The reason why the relay is needed is mainly because the buyer's down payment ability and the monthly loan payment ability are insufficient. In the relay loan, when the parents' funds need to pay for medical and other expenses, the support for the children may be reduced, which will lead to the repayment of the children. The decline in repayment willingness and repayment ability is, strictly speaking, an excess of demand.”

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Guangdong Provincial Housing Policy Research Center, said.

  Recently, some media reported that some banks in Guangzhou have lowered the loan interest rate for the first home to the LPR benchmark, that is, the interest rate for the first home can be reduced to 4.6%, and the minimum loan interest rate for the second home is LPR+60bp, or 5.2%.

  "The current financial environment is generally loose, and the bank's loanable funds are generally sufficient. How to allow such funds to flow into the housing market in a sufficient and reasonable manner and prevent them from being taken by speculative real estate speculators is what needs to be studied." Yan Yuejin said.

  Some real estate agents told Zhongxin Finance that in reality, there are cases where both parents of children repay the loan at the same time, but most of them use the children's house purchase quota as the main borrower, the parents are only as guarantors, and the income proof of the children and parents reaches the monthly payment. 2 times is enough.

  "It's mainly because young people buy a house loan today. Many people have the qualifications to buy a house but their income is not enough, so they need their parents to guarantee joint repayment of the loan. From the bank's point of view, the repayment is still separate." The intermediary said.

  "This situation does not involve the extension of the repayment period. It is not considered a 'relay loan', but it is also suspected of violation." Wang Yuchen, the chief lawyer of Beijing Golden Law Firm, told Zhongxin Finance, because the loan is very important to the lender. The income needs to be reviewed. If the income is not enough, it is not eligible for the loan, and the parental guarantee is suspected of evading the conventional loan requirements and policies.

  "For banks, businesses with unclear policies or even illegal businesses must be stopped, and they can think more about researching business innovations, such as the recent discussion on the postponement of monthly mortgage repayments; for home buyers, some cities may impose restrictions on purchases and secondary mortgages. The policies for suites are being relaxed, and objectively, you can better enjoy the qualifications for purchasing a first suite." Yan Yuejin suggested.
