"Why are people panicking?" Xiaoli couldn't help complaining when she saw the "wrong taste" milk tea she bought from the food delivery platform.

  The reporter found that there are still many cottage milk tea shops in Beijing.

These copycat stores have cramped environments and bad tastes, but their monthly sales on the takeaway platform exceed 5,000 orders.

Some takeaway platforms even take the initiative to push cottage milk tea shops to consumers.

  Takeaway milk tea "doesn't taste right"

  "That cup of milk tea, I drank it wrong at the first sip. I was full of two words: saccharin. This is definitely not a serious Co-Co." Xiaoli said that from the name, she bought the milk tea. Also known as the "Three Brothers of Milk Tea", it is also an orange cup body from the outside.

Later, she looked through the takeaway order records and found that the takeaway merchant's orange background avatar and the capitalized white CoCo letters were followed by the reduced word miller.

  The reporter tried to buy the “Three Milk Tea Brothers” of CoCo (Wangfujing Yintai Store) and CoCo Miller Tea (Shangdu Soho Store) on Meituan. The latter’s monthly sales volume on Meituan was 5,056 orders. .

The reporter compared the two cups of milk tea and found that CoCo Miller's milk tea has many similarities with Co-Co in terms of color system and Coco wording.

However, CoCo Miller's outer packaging and the use of transparent plastic cups are more similar to CoCo's packaging in 2020, and the taste is significantly different from the original milk tea, which is not only extremely sweet and greasy, but also has a strong flavor. smell.

  Hot online, selling less offline

  What is the offline situation of these cottage milk tea shops that sell more than 1,000 online last month?

During the visit, the reporter found that the biggest difference between these cottage milk tea shops and ordinary milk tea shops is that the location is often remote and cramped, and it does not pay much attention to whether the surrounding passenger flow is dense.

  At the corner of the first floor of the North Tower of SOHO Shangdu, there is a Co-Co Miller tea drink with a small storefront. The orange CoCo on the counter in the store is no different from CoCo.

During the 40 minutes the reporter stayed, there were 15 take-out orders in this store. The take-out brother was in a hurry, but only 2 people came to order milk tea.

  A similar situation also appeared in the Co-Co Mood Tea Drinks Guangqu store.

The store environment is not only cramped and rudimentary, but raw materials such as frozen juice puree and pearl coconut fruit for blending beverages are also piled up in a messy manner in front of and behind the counter.

"We don't mainly focus on offline business, and takeaway orders in peak seasons are often 'popular'," said the clerk.

  Although the brand is "copycat", the pricing is not cheap.

In the "CoColi Tea Drink" store in Building 3 of Sanlitun SOHO, the price of a large cup of "Yangzhi Ganlu" is 22 yuan, a large cup of "Berry Berry Tea" is priced at 16 yuan, and a small cup of "Coconut Milk Tea" is priced at 10 yuan. It is 1 to 2 yuan more expensive than the original store.

  Takeaway platform actively push

  The practices of cottage milk tea shops have troubled many well-known tea brands. On October 27, 2020 and December 1, 2021, CoCo issued an anti-counterfeiting statement twice.

However, the reporter found in the investigation that the takeaway platform took the initiative to push cottage milk tea shops to consumers.

  CoCo Mood tea, COCO tea JOANNA, Co-Co Rock, CoCo tea allen, CoCo&Lucky... The reporters searched for "CoCo" with Meituan in Dongdan, Guangqumen, Yonganli, Media University, Suzhou Street and other places. The keywords were all pushed to some copycat shops interspersed with genuine milk tea shops, only the word "advertising" was marked on the very inconspicuous part of the shop avatar.

  There are also a large number of cottage milk tea shops on the Ele.me platform.

  "If the takeaway platform knows or should know about the infringement of the merchant, it should be jointly and severally liable." Zhao Zhanzheng, a special researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, said that the rampant cottage milk tea shops are mainly due to the low cost of infringement. Free-rider for their own business interests.

  Our reporter Yuan Lu, intern Yu Meilin and Hu Chenxi