The "315" International Consumer Rights Day is coming, and many businesses have been exposed to violations of consumer rights this year.

Previously, the website of the China Consumers Association announced that, looking back on 2021, the public opinion on consumer rights protection showed the following characteristics: First, consumers’ awareness of rights protection continued to increase, and they paid more attention to rights protection channels and consumer rights protection measures; The damage to consumer rights and interests has repeatedly caused public controversy; third, some brands ignored consumers' demands in the handling of rights protection disputes, lacked sincerity, and caused disputes to continue to ferment.

A number of consumer rights protection public opinion incidents show that the protection of consumer rights and interests still faces considerable challenges.

  In the new year, may you and I not enter the "pit", and may there be no "pit" in the world.

(Making Yueziyan)

Responsible editor: [Yu Xiao]