Regarding the bill to strengthen economic security, executives such as Keidanren met with Minister for Economic Security Kobayashi and asked for consideration so that the burden on the company side would not be heavy when the system was materialized.

On the morning of the 14th, in addition to Vice Chairman Shinya Katanozaka of Keidanren, executives of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Kansai Economic Federation met with Minister for Economic Security Kobayashi and handed over the proposals of the business community.

According to the report, "As the international situation becomes more severe, ensuring economic security is an urgent issue," he said, indicating that the business community is supporting the government's policy.

On the other hand, the bill requires the government to conduct a preliminary examination when a business operator responsible for core infrastructure such as electric power and telecommunications introduces important equipment.

When embodying the system, the business community requested that the target companies and equipment be narrowed down as much as possible, and that special consideration be given to the burden and impact on small and medium-sized enterprises in particular.

In response to the proposal, Minister Kobayashi said, "As you can see from the situation in Ukraine, the times are becoming more uncertain. This bill is not regulation-only. I think we will continue to do so, "he said, asking for understanding of the bill.