[Explanation] On March 3, Wu Hao, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and dean of the School of General Medicine and Continuing Education at Capital Medical University, said in an interview that this year he suggested that general medicine be included in the national key disciplines.

Why is general practice important to China?

What difficulties are faced by general practice in China?

Wu Hao told reporters that in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the doctor who integrates prevention and treatment we need is a general practitioner.

However, general practice is still an unpopular discipline in China.

  [Concurrent] Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Wu Hao, Dean of the School of General Medicine and Continuing Education, Capital Medical University

  The training of general practitioners is relatively comprehensive.

It is clinical medicine, preventive medicine and sociology to learn, to be involved in.

The construction of general practice in China was in the late 1980s, when various universities opened general practice studies.

The course of Introduction to General Medicine was also 18 years later (only started), that is, only 5 years.

This subject should belong to an interdisciplinary subject, and it is also an unpopular subject.

  [Explanation] Wu Hao said that because general medicine is an unpopular discipline, the scientific research application on general medicine will be affected, which is not conducive to the development of the discipline.

  [Concurrent] Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Wu Hao, Dean of the School of General Medicine and Continuing Education, Capital Medical University

  There will be problems with the declaration of its scientific research, because there is no code for it.

If I am willing to be a teacher or professor of general practitioners, he may apply for scientific research without projects.

Without the support of scientific research funds, the in-depth research of this discipline will definitely be affected, and for these high-level talents, his own career development will also be hindered.

  [Explanation] Wu Hao said that incorporating general practice into national key disciplines can attract the attention and support of universities, allowing medical students to experience the rich content and connotation of general practice, and solve the "cold" problem of general practice at the university level.

  [Concurrent] Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Wu Hao, Dean of the School of General Medicine and Continuing Education, Capital Medical University

  Through the construction of this (key subject), it will attract the attention of the school and the support of the university.

And then that means putting more energy into doing those things.

In addition, the theoretical courses, situational education and these scientific researches of general medicine have also enabled our entire general medicine students to feel the rich content and connotation of general medicine during the five-year period.

In this way (can) solve (the problem) from the university.

  [Explanation] Wu Hao believes that setting general practice as a key specialty can not only attract a group of excellent professional medical personnel to engage in clinical specialties, but also deal with the problem of population aging in China in the future.

  [Concurrent] Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Wu Hao, Dean of the School of General Medicine and Continuing Education, Capital Medical University

  Let students guide them to join the general practice team through the education of the college, and then let our excellent general practice clinicians train these outstanding students.

In this way, through the efforts of generations, I believe that a group of these doctors who are rooted in the grassroots will be able to be cultivated.

We require geriatrics to be set up in tertiary hospitals or general hospitals, and we hope to make general medicine a key specialty, which is also to solve our problem of coping with population aging in the future.

  Chi Hanyu, Wang Shibo and Wang Chao report from Beijing

Responsible editor: [Lu Yan]