According to experts, the government, aid organizations and volunteers in Ukraine have received donations in crypto currencies worth millions since the Russian invasion began.

As the London blockchain analysis company Elliptic announced, the equivalent of more than twelve million euros in anonymous donations in Bitcoin, Etherum and other cryptocurrencies were received on various accounts by Sunday.

The Ukrainian government called for donations in cryptocurrencies via Twitter on Saturday.

Within just eight hours, donations worth the equivalent of around 4.8 million euros were received in their accounts, according to an earlier version of the Elliptic message, which is constantly updated.

There have been a total of 4,000 transactions from anonymous donors to the government and civil society organizations.

The highest single donation went to a non-governmental organization with a value of around 2.6 million euros.

Donations in cryptocurrencies are gaining importance in the conflict because traditional crowdfunding platforms are reluctant to finance weapons.

For example, the fundraising provider Patreon had blocked the call for donations from a Ukrainian organization that had called for funding for military training to fight the Russian invasion of the country.

The call violates the usage guidelines, according to the reasoning.