The German mechanical engineering association VDMA supports tough sanctions against Russia.

"The VDMA and its members are stunned that Russia has started a war in Europe," said Association President Karl Haeusgen on Thursday.

In the past, Russia had also committed itself to the inviolability of the European borders and to renouncing the use of force, both contractually and under international law.

"The VDMA supports the decision to severely sanction the aggression." These sanctions will also have an impact on mechanical and plant engineering, the extent of which cannot currently be estimated.

According to the VDMA, manufacturers exported 3.8 percent more machines to Russia in 2021.

The companies delivered systems worth 5.5 billion euros, which put Russia in ninth place among the most important customer countries.

German companies, which are particularly active in Eastern Europe, were also dismayed.

"We are deeply shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This is an unjustifiable attack on a sovereign state, its citizens and on peace in Europe and the world at large," says Eastern Committee Chair Oliver Hermes, adding: "This is a black day for Europe.

We urge President Putin to cease hostilities immediately and return to the negotiating table.

This war will also only know losers.”

Now everything must be done to save lives.

"We support all decisions and measures taken by the federal government and the international community to end this war as quickly as possible."

The Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations has been trying to build economic relations with Eastern Europe for 70 years.

"We have always seen ourselves as "bridge builders" who contribute to political and social understanding and reconciliation with the region," said Hermes.

“Business partners have often become friends in the process.

The successes of this work are now massively questioned.

We therefore also appeal to our many Russian friends and partners: Raise your voice and help end this war!”