[Explanation] After the rain and the solar term, the vegetation sprouted. In the fields of Dayu, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, many edible wild flowers and weeds were cooked into spring-specific delicacies and served on the table.

  After a long stinging wait, the vegetation ushered in the moisturization of rain and dew.

Mugwort is a common spring grass in the fields of southern Gansu. At this time of the year, locals pick its tender buds, add rice milk, and fry it into mugwort.

  [Concurrent] Liu Zhenli, a farmer in Dayu, Jiangxi

  This mugwort is found everywhere in our countryside. After the Lantern Festival, we will pick the mugwort and start making the mugwort rice cracker until the Qingming Festival.

  [Commentary] During the laughter and laughter, the Ai Tuan was rolled into pieces by the farmers, wrapped in the prepared vegetables, pickled vegetables, sesame and peanuts, etc., steamed in the pot, and a spring-specific delicacy can be served on the table .

  The surprises of spring are often hidden in the mountains, bracken, mulberry sprouts, wild celery... It is the rain that gives them the power to grow.

  [Concurrent] Zeng Xianghong, a catering practitioner in Dayu, Jiangxi

  Now is the rainy season, and then the wild vegetables in the mountains grow one after another, like these bitter vegetables, this wild celery, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, mulberry leaves, etc. I picked them on the mountain today, so like These vegetables are grown in nature.

  [Explanation] When cooking these spring grasses, people often take the simplest and most simple way.

Select young leaves, wash them, pour them into boiling water and blanch for a while, drain and serve with chilli, minced garlic, cooked oil, soy sauce and other cold mixes.

  [Concurrent] Zeng Xianghong, a catering practitioner in Dayu, Jiangxi

  Rainwater is a very good moisturizing substance in nature. It is the plant that grows well when it is moistened by rainwater, and then it is also more tender. You see, it is tender and yellowish, and the soup is also very delicious. And also rich in nutrients.

  Reported by Huashan, Chen Jiaoling, Yan Jie, Jiangxi Dayu

Responsible editor: [Cheng Chunyu]