The Paper reporter Ge Jia

  Recently, the China-Europe Medical and Health Hybrid Fund, which is managed by "the first sister of the fund" Ge Lan, has not been seen in the various dimension rankings of the golden selection list on Alipay.

Based on this, some market participants speculated that the fund under management of Ge Lan was "delisted" by Ant Fortune.

  On February 14, Ant Fortune replied to The Paper ( that the "weekly sales ranking" in the Ant Fortune Gold Selection List is based on the objective data of investors' purchases with a weekly dimension. Market volatility, investors began to allocate more stable fixed income and fixed income + products.

  Ant Fortune further stated that the Golden Selection List is committed to selecting funds with relatively good long-term returns and excess returns on the balanced allocation and industry and style tracks, but the short-term returns still depend to a considerable extent on market fluctuations.

It encourages investors to hold for a long time, and also suggests that investors should not bet on the track alone and pay more attention to balanced allocation funds with patience.

  In addition, Ant Fortune also mentioned that more and more investors realize that the track is a double-edged sword. Compared with the balanced allocation fund, the track fund is more volatile. Taking the pharmaceutical industry fund as an example, The China Securities Pharmaceutical Index will rise by 30% and 50% in 2019 and 2020, respectively, and some outstanding actively managed pharmaceutical funds have risen by 60% or even nearly 100% in the past two years; but the China Securities Pharmaceutical Index will fall by 12% in 2021. This year Since then, it has fallen sharply by 18%, bringing a huge psychological gap to investors.

  According to wind data, the rate of return of the China-Europe Medical and Health Hybrid Fund in the past three years is 138.9%, and the rate of return in the past five years is 182.6%, both exceeding the industry average.

Ant Fortune believes that the worst case scenario is to buy at the high point of market sentiment and turn away at the low point of sentiment.

There is no long-term investment, but long-term holding and spanning cycles can often achieve good average returns.