The Nikkei Stock Average has risen by more than 500 yen as the Tokyo stock market on the 28th and the stocks that have fallen due to the sharp drop on the 27th have been repurchased.

▽ Nikkei Stock Average, closing price on 28th is 26,717.34 yen, which is 547.4 yen higher than closing price on 27th

▽ Tokyo Stock Price Index = Topics is up 34.45 to 1876.89

▽ Daily trading volume is 1,329.65 million shares did.

Market officials said, "Today's Tokyo market has been repurchased after the stock price fell by more than 800 yen yesterday, and the price has risen almost entirely. However, investors are wary of the future of the economy. The price increase was only about two-thirds of yesterday's decline. "