央广网北京1月25日消息 患者在APP上分享就医体验正在一些地方成为习惯。据媒体报道,在一些有评价功能的互联网平台上,很多医院都榜上有名,有些评价比较中肯,有些评价则是批评之声,即便是一些业内名气不错的医院,在收获患者好评的同时,也可能遭遇差评。








  It should be said that it is a relatively fair third-party platform to evaluate hospitals through the evaluation system of Internet medical care.

This has a successful precedent in the fields of tourism, food, movies, etc. Although there are some “bad reviews” that are not necessarily true in these online reviews, they are generally more convincing.

  Of course, medical evaluations are not as simple as dining or movie evaluations.

However, there are already many pioneering experiences in the world. For example, NHS Choices under the British NHS (National Health Service), on average, every British person browses 9 times a year. Its principle is to provide the public with an opportunity to allow access to The medical service commented publicly.

Therefore, patients can not only comment and rate medical services on NHS Choices, but also medical institutions and doctors can provide corresponding service feedback.

  One study showed that 61%, 37%, and 17% of medical services or doctors in the UK, Germany, and the US, respectively, have been rated on the Internet.

Moreover, the medical and health evaluation on Yelp, a local service platform in the United States, is positively correlated with the consumer evaluation score of the official medical institution in the United States, which is an effective supplement.

  Obviously, for the medical professional field, the construction of such a socialized evaluation system is very necessary.

Due to the limitation of professional knowledge, it is inevitable that the choice of a doctor's specialty will not be understood by individual patients and cause controversy.

However, individual cases or small group events cannot represent the mainstream. If the sample is large enough, several unreasonable dissatisfaction can automatically become invalid evaluations.

  Just like a window unit such as a bank, after the customer handles the business, a button option of satisfaction or dissatisfaction greatly improves the behavior of the staff.

Therefore, Internet medical evaluation of medical services, if properly grasped, can certainly become an important driver to promote the improvement of service quality in hospitals and an important window for doctor-patient communication.

  It should be noted that through rigorous rule design, the possibility of Internet medical reviews being abused should be reduced, especially for some possible malicious attacks and other issues, which should not sit idly by, and strictly limit or preempt the most probable harm. It is necessary to perform guiding duties, strengthen the management of the content of patient evaluations, and encourage evaluations to be limited to the overall feeling of medical treatment, and to avoid some obvious extreme and biased remarks rising to personal attacks.

  Promoting the construction of a socialized evaluation system for the medical service system will do more good than harm to the progress of the industry.

As long as the satisfaction evaluation can get out of the entanglement of some individual cases and gradually form a scientific system with the overall satisfaction as the final evaluation result, the Internet evaluation can definitely become an effective means to urge hospitals and doctors to improve service quality.
