1月25日,农历腊月二十三小年夜,在央视财经联合拼多多举办的“‘过小年 迎大年 拼个年货去团圆’拼多多百亿补贴专场直播”的直播间里,聚集了数十款各地年货。


“过小年 迎大年 拼个年货去团圆”拼多多百亿补贴专场直播,近百款热销商品上线,吸引了八百多万人次观看。


  1月25日19点,“‘过小年 迎大年 拼个年货去团圆’拼多多百亿补贴专场直播”正式开始,这场年货盛宴在央视财经客户端、视频号、微博、拼多多客户端、央视频、央视文艺同步播出。在全长3个小时里,上述平台累计观看人次达806.9万。


化妆品、小家电、食品 一线大牌一站式购齐




  Next to Chilean cherries is another hot-selling product "Dandong Strawberry" subsidized by Pinduoduo tens of billions of dollars.

Strawberries produced in Dandong City, Liaoning Province enjoy the protection of national agricultural product geographical indication registration. Because they were introduced from Japan in 1999, they are also called "Dandong 99 strawberries". They are beautiful in appearance, bright in color, sweet and rich in taste, and almost average in size. There are twice as many strawberry varieties, and consumers who have tasted it are full of praise.

Earlier this month, Pinduoduo released the "Guide to Warming Up - List of Popular Commodities", and Dandong strawberries are one of the most popular commodities.

In this live broadcast, big-name cosmetics, 3C, small household appliances, etc., help consumers to buy all New Year's goods in one stop.

Pinduoduo's "New Year's Goods Festival": More than one million high-quality merchants, thousands of agricultural and sideline product brands

  Since Pinduoduo launched the New Year’s Day on January 6, the sales of marked products related to the platform’s “Ten Billion Subsidy” have increased by more than 138% compared with the same period last year.

  Compared with previous years, as consumers have higher and higher requirements for quality during the festival, the unit price of transactions for New Year's goods consumption has increased significantly.

At the same time, the proportion of off-site orders on the platform has also increased significantly. Among the orders sent to third- and fourth-tier cities and towns, the proportion of high-customer unit-price goods has further increased compared with the same period last year, many of which are annual gifts, which are significantly similar to first- and second-tier consumption.

  Pinduoduo has also opened a 24-hour fast delivery channel for "good New Year goods don't have to wait too long", striving for "people home, goods also home".

On January 21st, following the "New Year's Day", Pinduoduo launched the "No Closing for the Spring Festival" event, uniting the heads of various commodity categories and high-quality merchants, as well as express companies such as Zhongtong, Yunda, Jitu, etc., to provide consumers with 7*24 hours of uninterrupted commodity and logistics services.

The event will continue until after the Spring Festival, focusing on advantageous merchants and subsidizing resources to ensure a stable supply of Chinese New Year goods at a fair price.