Article L4121-1 of the Labor Code is clear: “The employer takes the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of the workers.

Faced with internal hierarchical relationships, the intervention of a third party is obviously essential to periodically review the situation.

This is the role of occupational health services.

Prevention and support

Overall, the missions of the occupational physician essentially revolve around prevention.

Responsible for keeping an eye on the working conditions in the company, he monitors the state of health of the workers and does not hesitate to give his advice, both to the employees and to their employer.

Its field of competence concerns above all professional risks, the improvement of working conditions, hardship and keeping employees in employment.

Occupational medicine is also empowered to carry out prevention on moral or sexual harassment, as well as on the consumption of alcohol and drugs.

On the other hand, no prescription, sick leave or treatment is possible here.

Only recommendations on your working conditions are made.

In the most serious cases, a notice of incapacity containing indications aimed at reclassifying the worker may also be issued.

Initial information

It will have been understood that the occupational physician plays above all the role of an attentive ear and a trusted third party.

But still it is necessary for that to see it!

However, precisely, the Labor law, known as the “El Khomri law” of August 8, 2016 has seriously lightened the planning in this area.


the hiring medical examination before the end of the trial period to assess the suitability of a new employee for his position.

Since 2017, it is a simple information and prevention visit, called VIP, which must be carried out within 3 months of taking office.

And it is no longer necessarily the doctor who sees you but one of his collaborators, a medical intern or a nurse, unless you present particular risks.

Auscultation thus gives way to information on the risks of the position and to questioning the employee on his state of health.

We come out with a simple follow-up certificate.

Occasional visits

This follow-up, precisely, is now done from time to time since the employee must pass a new visit within 5 years maximum, against 2 years before the reform.

Only night workers, disabled workers or those on a disability pension benefit from VIP every 3 years.

And under the law of August 2, 2021, these interviews can even be carried out by teleconsultation, provided that the employee agrees.

In addition, a return-to-work medical examination is mandatory in the event of a long-term stoppage such as maternity leave, illness or accident at work (stoppage of at least 30 days) or even for an occupational disease (regardless of its duration).

Fortunately, apart from these control visits, each employee can go directly to occupational medicine to obtain an appointment and discuss any health concerns related to their job in complete confidentiality.


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Reinforced individual follow-up

Asbestos, lead, biological agents, hyperbaric environment, ionizing radiation, electrical handling or driving lifting machinery… a good number of employees are exposed to significant risks in their job. In this context, they then benefit from “reinforced individual monitoring”. The objective is not only to ensure that they are fit for their job but also that they remain so. In practice, the rhythm of checks is therefore more sustained:

-> a medical examination prior to hiring: this replaces the information and prevention visit and aims to assess the employee's aptitude.

-> an intermediate visit: it is carried out every 2 years by a health professional.

-> a medical examination:the occupational physician carries out a new medical examination at most every 4 years.

Good to know: the contact details of occupational medicine must be displayed in the company.

You can also find them on the follow-up certificate given during your hiring visit or obtain information from the Regional Directorate for the Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity (DREETS).

  • Health

  • Job

  • Legislation

  • Prevention

  • Medicine

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