













  央行数字货币研究所所长穆长春曾解释说,目前的支付工具,无论是银行卡还是微信、支付宝,都是与银行账户体系绑定的,银行开户是实名制,无法满足匿名诉求。数字人民币钱包采用了分级分类的设计,根据KYC(Know Your Customer,了解消费者)程度的不同开立不同级别的数字钱包,满足公众不同支付需求。其中KYC强度最弱的钱包为匿名钱包,仅用手机号就可以开立,当然这类钱包的余额和每日交易限额也最低,只能满足日常小额支付需求。








  2021年5月,在“2021 清华五道口全球金融论坛”上,央行前行长周小川曾澄清外界对于数字人民币存在的误解,其中之一便是“人民银行推动的DC/EP(数字人民币)是想取代第三方支付的角色”。


  Liu Dian believes that the competition between digital renminbi and existing third-party payment tools is not in the same dimension.

As China's sovereign credit currency, its digitalization process can be divided into two stages: the first stage can be called "electronic currency", that is, the currency paid by electronic means, that is, in Alipay, WeChat and other third parties The second stage can be called "digital legal currency", that is, the digital renminbi that the People's Bank of China promotes research and development and pilots.

  "What's the difference between the two? Digital RMB is a 'real' currency, while mobile payment is a way to get and receive money. The relationship between the two may be likened to 'water' and a 'tool for taking water' ', the nature is completely different. In other words, the digital RMB account is a native bank account, the amount in it is equivalent to cash, and this account comes with an electronic payment channel built by the central bank. The user's account in the third-party payment app is just a A virtual account used for bookkeeping, the amount in it is actually the RMB deposited in a commercial bank by a third-party institution or the user, and when a user uses a third-party payment, he must associate a bank card account." Liu Dian said that as far as personal In terms of user experience, the digital renminbi is not much different from third-party payment tools such as WeChat Pay and Alipay, but the mechanisms behind them are quite different.

  According to different uses and forms of existence, currency can be divided into three categories: M0, M1, and M2. M0 refers to cash in circulation, including banknotes and coins, M1 is based on M0 plus corporate demand deposits, and M2 is in the On the basis of M1, time deposits, household savings deposits and other deposits are added.

When people use Alipay, WeChat Pay and other third-party payment tools, they need to bind bank accounts, usually using demand deposits, which belong to the M2 category, and the digital RMB is positioned to replace M0, that is, to replace physical cash such as banknotes and coins.

  Mu Changchun also explained that Alipay and WeChat Pay are digital wallets. Before the birth of the digital renminbi, they carried the deposit currency of commercial banks.

After the birth of digital renminbi, the content in the wallet may increase the central bank's digital currency, and everyone can still use the original wallet for payment.

  "Although there is almost no difference in payment experience, merchants and consumers can accept or reject any third-party payment tool, but digital renminbi is legal tender, not an optional financial service." Liu Dian said.

  This also reflects the difference in the mechanism behind the two, but the current application scenario of the digital renminbi pilot is small retail. Some people believe that the development of mobile payment in China may cause obstacles to the promotion of digital renminbi, because mobile payment has already covered many consumption scenarios.

  "It's like discussing why high-speed rail should be built when there are already planes, and even thinking that high-speed rail will suppress the development of the aviation industry, but in fact the two are developing at the same time in China." Zhou Ziheng believes that digital payment is very complex and rich in layers. Personal limited experience believes that there is no demand, which does not mean that the government, companies and other entities also have no demand. In the entire digital payment system, not meeting the payment needs of personal consumption scenarios solves all problems.

  In the design of the digital currency of the central bank of various countries, an important question is whether the digital currency of the central bank is wholesale or retail.

Liu Dian believes that the digital renminbi belongs to the retail central bank digital currency and is open to the public, while the use of the wholesale central bank digital currency is more limited to public scenarios such as between the central bank and financial institutions.

"The application of digital renminbi does not mean that the existing market of third-party payment institutions will be affected, but for the new scenarios where digital renminbi may open up public and private integrated payments in the future, existing third-party payment institutions may no longer occupy a dominant position. The changes brought by digital renminbi to payment may occur more in the field of public payment in the future, and some payment scenarios can only be opened up by digital renminbi with legal compensation.”

  "From the perspective of the history of currency evolution, it is generally necessary to establish a firm foothold in the retail field first, and then expand to the wholesale field. The core goal of the digital renminbi in the future is to target the wholesale and large-value fields." In Zhou Ziheng's vision, the future financial , the financial exchanges in the field of taxation can no longer go through the bank account system.

  From this perspective, he believes that the final opponent of the payment ecosystem built by the digital renminbi in the future is the existing bank payment system.

“A core indicator for judging the success of digital renminbi is the balance of the digital renminbi account. At present, the process from zero to one has been completed, and a breakthrough has been achieved in structure, but the account balance is still very small. Generally speaking, it is the future of renminbi. It will be divided into two types, digital form and non-digital form. The former will replace the latter. If the balance of digital renminbi reaches a certain proportion of the balance of non-digital form of renminbi, basically the bank's payment channel will 'disarm and surrender'. Based on the existing digital payment, this process will be very fast.”







  "Because the interests of banks are difficult to touch, the idea of ​​the United States is that the banking system is plugged in with digital assets, technology is connected, and finance is not connected. It is equivalent to the bank having nothing to do with the contents of the safe deposit box, but the safe deposit box is kept by the bank, and then the safe deposit box is stored in different banks. In contrast, China's path is equivalent to directly doing 'opening surgery', changing the currency structure, and establishing two sets of account systems." Zhou Ziheng likened it to China's laser surgery to correct myopia, and the United States to wear glasses. .

  This gap also makes some people hope that the digital renminbi will boost the internationalization of the renminbi and even replace the international dominance of the US dollar.

In this regard, Zhou Xiaochuan said in May last year that the development of digital renminbi is mainly based on the modernization of the domestic payment system, keeping up with the pace of the digital economy and the Internet era, improving efficiency and reducing costs, especially for retail payment systems.

The original design purpose and direction of efforts did not intend to replace the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency and an international payment currency.

  However, as central banks put digital currencies on the agenda, it will definitely have an impact on the existing international monetary system.

  "The impact of the central bank's digital currency on the existing international monetary system will not happen in the near future, and it is more of a long-term future. At present, the balance of the central bank's digital currency account is still difficult to have an impact, just like a magnifying glass cannot light a house, but in the future, the world will It is very doubtful that it will not be dominated by sovereign currencies as it is now.” Zhou Ziheng believes that some countries may not be able to issue central bank digital currencies in the future, and may therefore have to give up currency sovereignty.

  "If the world enters a new pattern of competition for digital fiat currency, the sovereign currencies of some countries may further exist in name only. In fact, some economies now show the characteristics of high dollarization. In the era of digital currency, the currency sovereignty of these countries that have fallen by the wayside may become It is further resolved and attached to the regional mainstream central bank digital currency." Liu Dian believes that at the same time, the status of the US dollar will show a relative downward trend, and the future international currency pattern may evolve into "multi-centralization". With the trend of anti-globalization, The rise of regional economic and trade organizations may be accompanied by a corresponding digital currency area.

  "China News Weekly" Issue 4, 2022

  Statement: The publication of "China News Weekly" manuscripts is authorized in writing