提升毕业生就业竞争力 这些高校对就业困难群体实施精准帮扶



  西南交通大学土木工程学院2022届本科毕业生 胡鹏:在就业处担任学生助理期间,老师对我细心的指导提升了我的语言表达能力,并获得了一定的求职经验。学校老师指导我制作了简历,并让我掌握了面试技巧。求职创业补贴发下来以后,我购买了人生第一套西装。最后在学校老师的推荐下,我穿着西装成功通过了面试。

  西南交通大学土木工程学院辅导员 本科生就业工作专项负责人 李裕:我们对胡鹏同学的就业指导和帮扶是全程全方位的,在他入学之时为他建立了职业生涯成长档案,引导他参加了职场面对面、企业开放日等就业指导活动。在他大三困惑时期,我们帮助他分析就业与升学形势,推荐他到重点企业实习实践,成功签约。

  Hu Peng's experience is a microcosm of colleges and universities to strengthen employment assistance for key groups.

In the Vocational Choice Ability Training Experiment Center of Central South University, employment instructors are providing skills training such as job-seeking etiquette and group interview methods for students with employment difficulties, focusing on different problems such as unclear job-seeking direction, lack of job-seeking information, and weak job-seeking ability for students. Employment guidance, information supply, job hunting training camps and other assistance, and comprehensively refine process management.

  Xu Zan, Director of the Career Guidance Center of Central South University: The school focuses on key groups, and implements classified policies for precise assistance. We will provide precise assistance such as "one person, one file" and "one person, one policy", and will provide special assistance and fixed-point job recommendations. .

For example, we will provide job-seeking difficulties subsidies for students with financial difficulties from families, and will provide such psychological assistance to students who have shortcomings in mental, physical and job-seeking abilities, and will also provide targeted job-hunting. Arrangement of competency training courses and projects.

  Up to now, as one of the training bases for improving the employability of college graduates across the country, Central South University has provided more than 500 graduates with customized packages for improving their employability, helping graduates to find employment smoothly.

  Hamizati Khamiti, a 2022 undergraduate graduate of the School of Resource and Security Engineering, Central South University: Now I have successfully signed a contract with a Fortune 500 company, thanks to the teachers in our school and college, who send me jobs every week Job information, the school also organized a job-seeking ability training class for ethnic minority students, and seniors and sisters also provided a series of activities such as sharing of job-seeking experience, so that we can be more capable and confident, step on the job-seeking stage and find employment smoothly.

  Dang Jiapeng, a 2022 graduate of the School of Life Sciences of Central South University: The school not only provided us with resume optimization, interview skills, but also training in job-seeking etiquette, but also brought us into the enterprise to understand the employment needs of the enterprise on the spot. There are also recruitment criteria.

This has brought us a lot. I think I will work hard in my post in the future, and then realize the value of my life.