5年期以上LPR下调5个基点 首套房贷利率降至5.15%

  房贷利率下调 年轻人要珍惜“首贷”








  以25年期100万商业房贷为例,首套房贷月供为5933.63 元,二套房贷月供为6230.78 元,比首套房贷高出297.15元。






  Taking an ordinary house of 5 million yuan in Beijing, the down payment for applying for a first-home loan requires 1.75 million yuan; if it is a second-home loan, a down payment of 3 million yuan is required. The difference between the two is 1.25 million yuan. .

  Of course, the loan amount of the second home loan is also 1.25 million yuan less than that of the first home loan, and the monthly monthly payment will also be reduced accordingly.

However, for young people who are in the rising period, their income will generally increase year by year, and the pressure of monthly payment will only become less and less; and the down payment must be paid in one lump sum soon after signing the contract. If it can't be done, the house may "fly".

  How is the first home identified?

Beijing implements the policy of “recognizing housing and recognizing loans”, that is, residents who have no housing and no commercial housing loan records or provident fund housing loan records in the city can enjoy the first home loan treatment.

If there is no house in the name, but there is a loan record, it can only be calculated as a second house.

  How to choose equal principal and interest equal principal?

  For example, if you buy a house for the first time with a price of 5 million yuan, the down payment is 1.75 million yuan, the loan is 3.25 million yuan, the term is 25 years, and the interest rate is 5.15%. What is the difference between the equal principal and interest and the equal principal repayment method?

  Equal installments of principal and interest

  ●The first month's repayment amount is 19284.29 yuan

  ●Average 19284.29 yuan per month starting from the second month

  ●The total principal and interest is 5785285.64 yuan

  ●Pay interest of 2535285.64 yuan

  equal principal

  ●The first month's repayment amount is 24,781.25 yuan

  ●From the second month, the monthly decrease of 46.49 yuan

  ●A total of 5,349,161.46 yuan of principal and interest

  ●Pay interest of 2,099,161.46 yuan

  pay attention to

  Which repayment method is more suitable for young people?

  When many buyers are preparing to buy a house, they do not know the difference between equal principal and interest and equal principal. Although there is only one word difference between the two, they are actually quite different.

  The monthly payment for a home buyer actually includes both principal and interest.

One of the most important features of equal principal and interest is that the monthly repayment amount is the same, but the proportion of principal and interest is different every month. The proportion of principal increases month by month, and the proportion of interest decreases month by month.

In the distribution ratio of "principal and interest" for monthly payment, the proportion of interest repaid in the first half of the period is large and the proportion of principal is small.

  The advantage of the equal principal and interest repayment method is that the monthly repayment amount is the same, the loan repayment is stable, and it is convenient for the lender to reasonably arrange their own income and expenditure plan; the biggest disadvantage of this repayment method is that it pays more interest, so it is more suitable for future income. will gradually increase the number of young people.



  本组文/本报记者 程婕