中新网三亚1月25日电 题:复盘2021:疫情之下,三亚这些旅游人掌握何种“流量密码”



三亚后海,夹着冲浪板去体验冲浪的游客。 彭彭供图




尾波冲浪2021年在三亚兴起。 王晓斌 摄





  Jack said that after the Spring Festival in 2020, Sanya's tourism market took the lead in recovering from the freeze. Under the circumstance of "few tourists and nothing to do", he groped and edited the surfing video material before, and sent it to a short video website, which became popular, and later started live broadcasting on mobile phones. It is also sought after. Following this wave of popularity, Jack's forehand wave started from 4 wave boats in 2020, and now has more than 20 boats with a team of nearly 100 people. It belongs to "the most expensive and the best business" in Sanya. of the first tier.

In Sanya Banshan Peninsula Sailing Port, the number of wave-making boats used for wake surfing has grown rapidly.

Photo by Wang Xiaobin

  Why can forehand waves achieve "the most expensive price and the best business"?

Jack said that in addition to the "first mover advantage and stick to it", forehand waves have product and service advantages.

In addition, although the age distribution of the tail wave surfing group is very wide, the "post-80s" are mostly enthusiasts, and the "post-90s" and "post-00s" are more experienced and explorers.

The club needs to have the ability to convert experience players into enthusiasts, and continue to make enthusiasts feel rewarded.

  What is the future direction of this rapidly developing incremental market?

In Jack's view, the country is in the ascendant, and Sanya may usher in a bottleneck period.

  "The number of wave boats in Sanya has grown rapidly. It is estimated that there are hundreds of boats at present, and many are on the way to delivery. Under the obvious tourist off-peak season and the pressure of boat maintenance and damage, in order to earn a wave of 'quick money', Price wars, secondary consumption and other phenomena have all occurred." Jack believes that running a wake surfing club is not just about building wave boats, but the key is whether the coach is qualified and reliable.

"Tourists usually choose clubs with low offers to experience. If the coaches are not good and the guests don't learn anything, the entire industry will lose potential enthusiasts."

  Starting from Sanya, Forehand has spread its branches in many cities in mainland China.

"Our branches were established in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou last year. In 2022, the center of gravity will continue to be tilted to the mainland. We plan to form a matrix layout in Suzhou, Qiandao Lake, Liuxi River and other places." Jack said, he will be committed to the formation of Sanya. The wake surfing operation experience is brought to the whole country.

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三亚·亚特兰蒂斯,住店客人透过亚克力幕墙,围观正在体验潜水的人。 王晓斌 摄

