Maud Descamps 6:17 a.m., January 22, 2022

Carrefour on Friday stopped placing paper catalogs in mailboxes in the cities of Paris and Lyon.

The reason is not ecological.

The retail giant has decided to focus on targeted marketing via digital platforms.

Since Friday, the Carrefour group no longer distributes its catalog to mailboxes in Paris and Lyon.

Good news for the planet: it's less paper.

But it is also a saving of money for the sign and especially the signal of a transformation of the methods of marketing of the large distribution towards promotions and offers much more targeted.


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It's a shift that all major retailers are taking, that of digital.

"We are going to move from a world where there was a flyer for everyone, all the time and everywhere. A world where now, we will send a flyer only to consumers who have chosen to receive it", explains Olivier Dauvers, retail specialist.

More targeted marketing

This marketing, which is more targeted, now goes digital, as explained by Stefén Bompais, customer experience director at Carrefour: "This allows us to have distribution that is actually more targeted, but which responds more precisely to the new uses of our customers. I am thinking in particular of the WhatsApp platforms, Facebook and Messenger".


- Soon the end of flyers in our mailboxes?

These new communication channels also allow large retailers to collect a lot of data on their customers who are not always aware of it, believes Laurie Liddell of UFC Que Choisir: "It goes beyond the simple packet of ham which has been bought. It's a lot of information. It's up to the consumer to choose, but he has to choose it knowingly".

A huge challenge for large retailers, since more than one in two households in France uses a mobile application to facilitate their shopping.