
  央广网北京1月20日消息(记者 牛谷月)1月20日,中国消费者协会针对春节期间的消费问题发布警示,提醒消费者谨防低价套路,加强防范。








  Community group buying is a consumer goods group buying activity based on e-commerce platforms, communities and other tools.

Consumers can buy products at lower prices in the form of grouping.

According to the China Consumers Association, community group buying has successfully attracted a large number of community consumers to "follow the group" by virtue of its "price far lower than the market average".

However, behind the "glamour" of community group purchases, there are also many problems, such as poor product quality, false promotions, dumping at low prices, and non-refundable deposit for return. Among them, the problem of low price and low quality is the most prominent.

  The China Consumers Association reminds that when consumers make community group purchases, they should carefully screen and check the qualifications of merchants, understand the reputation and after-sales service of the merchants, and carefully choose WeChat group purchase groups of WeChat merchants, social platforms and personal organizations.

Second, carefully check the supply channels and supplier qualifications, and check the product quality in time when receiving the goods, such as whether the meat and poultry products have been inspected and quarantined, whether agricultural and sideline products have been tested, whether they meet the national food safety standards, and whether there is a product certificate.

The third is to consume rationally according to your own needs, not to blindly hoard goods with a limited time, resist the temptation of low prices, and avoid excessive hoarding and waste.

Fourth, it is necessary to retain consumer vouchers such as invoices, electronic orders, payment pages, chat records with the "group leader" of the group buying platform, product promotions and service commitments, and other information, and actively protect rights when their legitimate rights and interests are infringed.

Ultra-low-price promotions hide "fat tricks", making profits fake and profits real

  The China Consumers Association reminds that some low-price promotions with apparently unreasonable prices seem to benefit consumers. Using "free", "0 yuan purchase", "seckill", "free as much as you charge" as bait, in fact, it is to induce consumers to "take the bait" .

Some are substandard products of particularly poor quality or have shrunk in service quality; some are free gifts, but additional fees are required to use the product; Some are to induce consumers to recharge a large amount of prepayment; some are to obtain personal information of consumers, and then push various advertisements or sell for profit; some are hidden Trojan programs, once consumers click on the link or scan the code, they will face larger assets. security risks, etc.




