中新网成都1月20日电 (单鹏 贺劭清 王鹏)“当前新能源汽车公共充电桩数量偏少,本次四川两会,我建议普及这类基础设施建设,这有助于拉动新能源汽车消费,减少对石油等化石燃料的消耗。”20日,四川省人大代表、川北医学院基础医学院副院长陈建业表示,只有解决新能源汽车的充电难题,才能加速汽车的更新换代。




四川省凉山州美姑县,云雾中的白鹤滩-江苏±800千伏特高压直流输电工程。 谭谢阳 摄

  It is understood that Sichuan, which has a good resource endowment, will promote the development and utilization of vanadium-titanium, rare earth, lithium-potassium, graphite, basalt and other resources in the future, and promote the development of clean energy application industry.

"Lithium metal is considered to be the 'green energy metal' and 'white oil' in the 21st century. It can provide power fuel, nuclear fusion energy and powerful energy storage. Sichuan's spodumene reserves are among the top in the world." Member of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference , Fu Xiaofang, a professor-level senior engineer at the Sichuan Geological Survey Institute, said that with the growing demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage, the lithium battery industry is ushering in an important period of development opportunities.

  "Building a trillion-level lithium industry chain is an inevitable development direction. It is recommended to do a good job in strategic positioning and layout to ensure the safety of national strategic resources; make scientific overall planning, jointly develop the industry chain across regions, and create a new win-win situation for cross-regional related industry cooperation. , integrated into the Sichuan new energy vehicle and energy storage battery industry." Fu Xiaofang said.

  In addition, how to promote the green transformation of "big carbon emitters" such as steel, non-ferrous metal smelting, and transportation?

Zhang Peng, a member of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a professor at Southwest Petroleum University, pointed out that in terms of energy conservation and emission reduction, China once proposed "dual control of energy consumption", but with the proposal of the "dual carbon" goal, the "dual control of energy consumption" should be transformed into "Dual control of carbon consumption" encourages enterprises to use more clean energy such as photovoltaics and hydropower to control carbon consumption.

The government should increase policy guarantees for energy conservation and carbon reduction enterprises, and relevant industry associations can also provide carbon reduction technical services and guidance to enterprises.

  Zhang Peng suggested that for high-energy-consuming industries such as cement, a dynamic database of carbon emissions can be established to strengthen the top-level design of carbon emission calculation standards, so that the government can find out the "family background" of carbon emissions and scientifically design carbon reduction paths.
