What many have wished for in the real estate industry will finally become a reality with the new federal government.

Building is not cheaper, faster and can get by with fewer regulations overnight.

However, building and housing will regain its appropriate status in federal politics - with its own ministry.

The new house is being taken over by SPD Vice-President Klara Geywitz, who had unsuccessfully applied for party chairmanship with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz as dual leadership. Some may argue against the building minister that they are neither an architect nor an engineer. The former member of the Brandenburg state parliament has something else to show for this: Geywitz was a city councilor in Potsdam for a number of years and got to know the political work on site.

In the cities in particular, it will be decided whether the traffic light coalition will achieve its goal of 400,000 new apartments per year.

Just like the construction of energy networks and wind turbines, implementation is often more difficult than expected.

It helps to know how development plans work and how tight the staffing levels are in administration and business.

Because for building to succeed faster, you need more than goals on paper.

After all, your own ministry is a suitable foundation for this.