Europe 1 6:18 p.m., November 23, 2021

On the occasion of the 15th edition of the “World Forum for a responsible economy”, which will be held in Lille from 22 to 24 November 2021, La France bouge presented by Carole Ferry and Emmanuel Duteil takes place at the Lille CCI, including Europe is a partner for a special live broadcast.

For this 15th edition of the “World Forum for a responsible economy”, La France bouge offers listeners a spotlight on the actors who are committed to the responsible global economy, in the company of

Patrick Seghin

, CEO of the Damartex group.

Emmanuel Duteil and Carole Ferry will also receive

Baptiste Deleplanque

, founder and manager of Promis Juré, an artisanal ice cream company,

Caroline Lemaire

, HR and CSR director and partner at Blancheporte,

Florence Duriez

, founder of Haut La Consigne, a start-up that creates re-employment channels of containers, and



, president of the “World Forum”.

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