Everything is "meta universe", who will save the "out-of-control players"

  Recently, "Meta Universe" has become a hot topic. In the eyes of fans, as an extension and expansion of the real world, the huge opportunities brought by "Meta Universe" are worth looking forward to.

From Nvidia’s announcement of the launch of a simulation and collaboration platform that provides the foundation for the establishment of Metaverse, to the Japanese social platform GREE to develop Metaverse business, from Microsoft’s efforts to build "enterprise metaverse", to Facebook’s renamed Metaverse (Metaverse) In the Meta, technology companies are vying to lay out on the meta-universe track, and social networks, advertising and marketing, and other fields have moved towards the "virtual world".

  In the field of film and television and pan-entertainment, the concept of "meta universe" is not new.

In 2018, the "Number One Player" directed by Spielberg and the movie "Out of Control Player" released this year all focused on the "meta universe", and players emerged from the virtual game mode.

The beauty blogger named "Liu Yexi" became popular on the Internet, adding to the popularity of "Meta Universe", and she, who has both a national style and a sense of the future, is actually just a virtual person.

The "virtual person" has become a window for the "meta universe" to connect with the real world. In short video platforms and variety shows, virtual idols and virtual anchors are constantly being packaged and launched.

The virtual idol "Luo Tianyi" not only releases singles and holds concerts, but also breaks out of the second dimension, has real fans, and is invited to participate in the party.

The reporter also noticed that in the variety show plan of the long video platform in 2022, more programs with the concept of "meta universe" are ready to be launched.

From virtual singers to virtual internet celebrities, market acceptance is getting higher and higher under the impetus of capital.

  "Meta universe" sounds like a vocabulary that matches the science fiction world better.

"Put on headphones and eyepieces, find the connection terminal, you can enter the virtual space simulated by the computer and parallel to the real world in the form of a virtual clone." The term "meta universe" first appeared in the American science fiction writer Neil Stephenson in 1992 In the novel "Avalanche" published in 1999, this is the first cyberpunk novel featuring the initial hints of cyber personality and virtual reality. The world, in this world, in addition to eating and sleeping need to be completed in reality, the rest can be achieved in the virtual world.

  In reality, the unclear concept of the "meta universe" has not only spawned more institutions, but has also become a research object.

Judging from the "Metacosm Development Research Report 2020-2021" released by the New Media Research Center of the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, “Metacosm is a new type of Internet application and social form that integrates multiple new technologies and integrates reality and reality. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror image of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, and closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and Allow each user to produce content and edit the world."

  A little hard to understand?

The meta universe is not equal to the "virtual world" and video games.

Compared with the previous concept of "virtual world", the virtual world in the metaverse is not an independent kingdom that is parallel to reality and can replace reality, but is intertwined with real life, forming countless new types of scenes.

Research has shown that behind the explosion of the “meta universe” concept, there are technological blessings and capital ambitions. In the past ten years, AI, VR, AR, 5G, big data, digital twins, cloud computing, blockchain and other technologies have all With great development, Metaverse has integrated virtual and reality, opening up a vast market space, and spawning new types of scene-based social interaction, virtual clothing, virtual idols, online parties, immersive education and other new gameplay methods.

For netizens, the appeal of "Meta Universe" is unquestionable. Meta Universe uses VR, AR and somatosensory devices to expand the interaction method to the entire body, thus getting rid of the interactive experience of separation of body and mind. We will no longer be sitting on the screen. A little bit before the "Keyboard Man" and "Thumb Party".

  There are also many people who oppose the "meta universe", thinking that it is a conceptual hype, purely out of nothing. Of course, there are still thousands of miles away from the realization of the "meta universe".

"Stock prices are not so much driven by earnings as they are driven by the fantasy of science fiction." It is true that the gimmicks, routines, and even scams under the banner of "Meta Universe" make the development of "Meta Universe" go wrong.

There are not a few people who are getting hot. Some knowledge payment projects have packaged Metaverse as an opportunity to get rich overnight, claiming that "the future is only the way of Metaverse," and take advantage of the opportunity to make money by selling anxiety.

Some people say that they must call Metaverse, they don’t have any physical content related to it, but they are keen to register various related trademarks, launch products related to Metaverse, and even claim to be the "perfect creator of Metaverse", holing their minds from the concept of Metaverse The score gets a cup of "flow soup."

  The report also shows that the current meta-universe industry ecosystem is in a "sub-healthy" state. Since it is still in the initial stage of development, it is reasonable to have the immature and unstable characteristics of emerging industries. Future development will not only rely on technological innovation, but also The joint effect of institutional innovation can achieve the healthy development of the industry.

  The mixing of fish and dragons has also led many people to rationally view the current meta-universe boom and be wary of any flicker in the name of technology and the future.

Liu Cixin, who is good at constructing virtual universe worlds, recently angered Metaverse in a public speech, saying that "Metaverse will lead mankind to a dead end."

He said, "The future of mankind is either to move towards interstellar civilization or to indulge in the virtual world of VR all the year round. If mankind achieves a highly realistic VR world before moving into space civilization, it will be a disaster."

  Concerns are not unreasonable. From the perspectives of public opinion bubbles, capital manipulation, technological resources, industrial ecology, morals and ethics, legal norms, etc., Metaverse, which was officially “out of the circle” in the first half of this year, has formed a strong focus on public opinion and stock market fluctuations. Related, irrational public opinion boom still needs to be further "de-bubble."

There are still many uncertainties in the meta-universe in the embryonic stage, and both capital and the market urgently need to return to rationality.

In particular, as a surreal collection of various social relationships, the meta-universe requires clear definitions and regulations for complex rules such as moral codes, power structure, distribution logic, and organizational forms. How to construct a consensus on the meta-universe ethical framework still needs to be viewed from multiple perspectives. Go explore.

The metaverse industry also needs to face challenges such as addiction risks, privacy risks, and intellectual property risks.

  Academician Zheng Weimin believes that Metaverse may become a new direction for the development of the Internet, or it may be the next form of the development of the digital economy.

Meta universe's exploration will promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and push the digital economy to a new stage.

Exploring and developing the meta-universe will help to further accelerate the digital upgrade of my country's economy and society, and catalyze new development momentum through technological innovation.

But how far the "meta universe" is from reality is worthy of continuous discussion.

  Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Nan