Double 11 transcripts released: Tmall 540.3 billion yuan, Jingdong over 349.1 billion yuan

  At 0:00 on November 12, 2021, Tmall Double 11's total transaction rating is 540.3 billion.

  Data shows that in the first hour of Tmall Double 11’s sale, more than 2,600 brands had a turnover exceeding the entire day of the first day of last year; as of 23:00 on November 11, 698 small and medium-sized brands had achieved a turnover from one million to ten million. The 78 brands with a turnover of tens of millions on 11.11 last year have exceeded the 100 million mark in turnover this year.

  Data from shows that as of 23:59 on November 11,’s cumulative order amount exceeded 349.1 billion yuan, setting a new record.

Among them, the sales of 31 brands exceeded 1 billion, and the sales of Apple exceeded 10 billion; the turnover of 43,276 merchants increased by more than 200% year-on-year, and the number of new small and medium-sized brands increased by more than 4 times year-on-year.