The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has indicated that the national average of rice crops as of the 25th of last month will be "normal".

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced on the 9th the rice crop index as of the 25th of last month, with the average year as 100.

According to this, the national average is expected to rise by 1 point from the announcement one month ago to "101", which is "normal".

By region, Hokkaido, where production was high and growth was favorable, was "108", which was "good", and Tohoku was "102", which was "slightly good".

On the other hand, Tokai and Okinawa, which were affected by the typhoon, low temperature, and lack of sunshine in August, were "98" and Hokuriku was "97", both of which were "slightly poor".

Kanto / Koshin and Shikoku are "101", Kinki, China and Kyushu are "99", all of which are "normal".

Although Kyushu and Shikoku were affected by typhoons and low temperatures, there was little rain after mid-September, and the temperature difference between day and night was large, so the growth situation recovered, and the cropping index compared to a month ago. Has risen.

In addition, the expected yield of rice for main food, which was announced at the same time, is expected to be about 7 million tons, a decrease of about 220,000 tons from last year.

This is because the inventory of last year's production increased due to the decrease in demand for eating out due to the influence of the new coronavirus, and the acreage was reduced in the main production areas.