Regarding this year's new rice, the price sold to wholesalers by JA Group and others in September was 12% lower than the same period last year, the second consecutive year of decline.

It is believed that rice inventories are swelling due to factors such as a decrease in demand for eating out due to the new coronavirus.

Currently, it is the mainstream that collectors such as JA Group and wholesalers decide the price of rice relative to each other.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the price of new rice sold by collectors to wholesalers in September was 13,255 yen per 60 kg on average for all brands.

Compared to the same period last year, it is about 1800 yen, which is 12% lower, and the price of new rice has fallen for the second consecutive year.

This is thought to be due to the swelling of rice inventories due to the effects of sluggish demand for eating out due to the new coronavirus.

When the price sold to wholesalers goes down, the retail price can be expected to go down for consumers, but the income for farmers goes down.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced last year that it would separate 150,000 tons of rice produced from the market as a special quota in order to prevent a significant drop in rice prices. Will be noticed.