This is a new move over the battle for the "Kansai Supermarket" based in Hyogo and Osaka.

A major shareholder, Itochu Foods, sent a questionnaire to Kansai Super, saying that Kansai Super has not shown enough material to judge the pros and cons of deciding to merge with the operating company of Hankyu Hanshin Department Store. I made it clear.

Regarding Kansai Super, the metropolitan area supermarket "OK" had proposed a takeover bid for TOB = shares, but H2O Retailing, which operates Hankyu Hanshin Department Store, announced that it will merge this month. The agenda will be discussed at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Kansai Super on the 29th.

Under these circumstances, Itochu Foods Co., Ltd., a major food wholesaler with a 4% stake in Kansai Super, announced on the 12th that it sent a questionnaire to Kansai Super, saying that it did not disclose sufficient materials to judge the pros and cons as a shareholder. ..

The questionnaire requires that the company explain by the 19th of this month what the company's target stock price level and time to achieve after the merger, and what kind of discussions were held specifically regarding the OK acquisition proposal. increase.

For the general meeting, Kansai Super is seeking the understanding of shareholders that the integration with H2O can be expected to improve profitability, while OK has sent a document to shareholders calling for opposition to the bill. Major shareholders who have a certain influence on the pros and cons of the agenda are also starting to move, and the offense and defense are intensifying.