• Energy prices are at an all-time high and could continue to climb.

  • The French could experience an increase in their electricity bills in 2022.

  • 20 Minutes

    gives you the floor.

An ever higher electricity bill?

While energy prices are reaching new heights, as we explain here, the UFC Que-Choose estimates this Monday that households could pay, on average, 150 euros more in 2022 for their electricity.

The association judges that without state action, the increase in the regulated tariff (TRVE) will reach 10% and will only be partially offset by the energy check of 100 euros promised by the government.

In view of these perspectives,

20 Minutes

wishes to collect your testimonies.

Are you worried about the sharp rise in electricity prices?

Have you ever planned to put some money aside so you can pay your bills?

Are you ready to reduce your consumption, and how, in order to pay less?

  • Purchasing power

  • energy

  • Economy

  • electricity