Whether you are a buyer or seller of real estate, you are bound to have to bear various ancillary costs.

The trick is to determine which ones are your responsibility, in order to anticipate the amount of the envelope to be planned and not to be caught short.

On the buyer's side

The buyer logically bears very heavy costs during a real estate transaction since, in addition to the price of the property, he must pay what are unfairly called “notary fees”.

These costs actually consist essentially of various taxes levied on behalf of the State (transfer rights, disbursements, land publication, etc.), while a small part actually goes to the notary (fees).

The addition represents between 7 and 8% of the sale price in old real estate, against 2 to 3% if you opt for the new market.

Although this is very rare, be aware that you can make an agreement with the seller so that he takes charge of the notary fees.

But we will have to be very convincing, especially since the latter also bears his share of bills.

On the seller's side

Multiple costs indeed come to reduce the gain realized during a real estate sale, and this, without even counting the possible penalties of early repayment of the credit which was used to finance this property (limited to 3% of the outstanding capital since 1999). .

At a minimum, the seller must pay several hundred euros to have all the mandatory diagnostics required by law carried out.

Likewise, if the accommodation is located in a condominium, it will be necessary to provide the notary with a "dated statement" summarizing all the charges related to this lot and the amount of which has been capped at 380 euros since 2020.

Even more, if you use a real estate agency, it will in principle be up to you to pay its fees (between 4 and 8% of the transfer price).

That said, nothing prevents you from agreeing with the purchaser for a half and half support.

In all cases, the agency's mandate should clearly indicate who is responsible for paying the commission.

In practice, owners are often tempted to overestimate the value of their property to offset the cost of the finder's commission.

A low-cost strategy but which presents the risk of lengthening transfer times by discouraging potential buyers and increasing price negotiations.

A prorated distribution

Owning a property necessarily entails a certain number of annual costs. In the event of a sale during the year, it is then customary for the buyer to partially cover these costs. But be careful to negotiate it with the other party from the start. 

On the local tax side, the housing tax and the property tax can thus be the subject of a “pro rata temporis” clause, specified at the time of the compromise and reaffirmed in the authentic deed of sale.

It then means that everyone assumes these costs according to the time spent in the accommodation during the year in question.

In the event of a co-ownership, it is in principle up to the seller and current owner to assume the costs of the last call for funds from the trustee.

However, a pro-rata distribution can again be agreed with the buyer.


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You are a seller, beware of taxation!

Apart from the sale of the main residence and certain other specific exceptions, the capital gain realized on the occasion of a real estate sale is taxed at the rate of 19%. However, the taxable base is calculated by making the difference between the sale price and the purchase price, the whole weighted by different costs.

In this context, the cost of mandatory diagnostics, real estate agency fees or the amount of VAT paid for the sale of a new property built less than five years ago help to reduce the sale price used.

Likewise, the costs incurred years earlier during the purchase, as well as the work carried out since, will make it possible to increase the initial acquisition price.

Finally, be aware that an allowance applies depending on the length of detention and even allows total exemption from taxes beyond the 22nd year.

  • Sale

  • Economy

  • Immovable

  • Purchasing power

  • Taxation