Employer President Rainer Dulger has warned in clear words against a possible federal government made up of the SPD, the Greens and the left after the election.

"A left-wing coalition threatens us with a brake on growth and prosperity," said Dulger of the German Press Agency.

"A kind of powdery mildew would spread over the whole country, not to say hoar frost, which then slowly but surely freezes us and our prosperity."

The President of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations said: “The programs of the left-wing parties show very clearly that a social market economy cannot be created with more state, more taxes, more social security contributions and more debts.

Social market economy needs more flexibility, more speed, more fairness between generations, more affordable social systems and more personal responsibility. "

Clear criticism of the SPD

The federal election is therefore also a directional decision about prosperity in Germany. “The question is: Can we maintain our prosperity and do we manage to convey a spirit of optimism again in the spirit of Ludwig Erhard? Or will this country stand still, freeze and sink into a culture of a centralized state that tells us everything, including how many fruits and vegetables we should eat? I don't think that's the way to go. I believe in innovation, market economy and incentives. "

The employer president expressed criticism of the SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz and his party: “It's not just about the team captain, but also about the team. And I look at the different teams and I doubt that any line-up is suitable to lead the largest European economic nation into a good future and to be perceived as a strong partner in Europe and the world. At the SPD, Kevin Kühnert's team was ahead of the game in the party chairman election, ”he said, referring to Saskia Esken and Norbert Walter-Borjans, who were supported by the then Juso federal chairman and now party vice-chairman Kühnert:“ I can only go ahead warn a coalition that has no market economy compass in economic, social and environmental policy. "

With a view to Union Chancellor candidate and NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet, Dulger said: “With the bourgeois parties, I see a successful Prime Minister and team player with a bourgeois coalition in the most populous federal state and an FDP that consistently promotes market-economy positions.

My entrepreneurial heart beats a little faster - also in the interests of my employees. ”The proposal of a decade of modernization is correct, said Dulger - Laschet suggests one.

“Not everything immediately, but carefully.

But consistently and with patience.

As a family entrepreneur, I would do the same. "

Spirit of Ludwig Erhard

The employer president called for reforms in Germany. "Germany has to breathe the spirit of Ludwig Erhard again and not the spirit of state belief," said Dulger, referring to the former Minister of Economics (1949 to 1963), who stands like no other for the "economic miracle" after the war. "We have to unleash and modernize our country."

Germany must finally be made fit for digitization, said Dulger. “Other countries in the world are much further ahead than we are and that is why we have to catch up here. That also has something to do with our competitiveness and future viability. The mega topic of digitization is just so diverse: it is also a flexibility topic, a start-up topic and an educational topic. During the pandemic, we saw that we still have quite a state of emergency when it comes to digital opportunities in our schools. But that also shook us up. "