
Recently, orders are blowing in the Korean shipbuilding industry, which has been sluggish by China for the past few years. The government has decided to provide support for manufacturing high value-added, eco-friendly ships so that K-shipbuilding can solidify its No. 1 position.

Correspondent Han Sang-woo.


Five years ago, 2016 was the worst year for our shipbuilding industry.

As the order volume plummeted, the market share gap with China widened by nearly 20%.

There was a bright reversal in 2018, but after that, it had a tough competition with China, which had a competitive edge in price.

The mood has changed this year.

By July of this year, the market share reached 43%, and Korean companies ranked 1st to 5th in the world based on backlog.

This is thanks to the fact that the company has won orders for high value-added, eco-friendly ships such as extra-large crude oil carriers, large containers, and LNG carriers in recognition of its technological superiority.

The proportion of high value-added ships in global ship orders was about a quarter in 2019 alone, but this year, it is close to half.

The government has strengthened this foundation and set out to solidify K-shipbuilding's No. 1 position in the world market.

Concentrating on eco-friendly and smart ship markets, we decided to support 250 billion won in localization of key materials for LNG-powered ships and development of carbon-free ship technology.

[President Moon Jae-in: By making use of the strengths of eco-friendliness and smartization, this is to solidify the world's first unshakable shipbuilding power and contribute to carbon neutrality in the world.] We

plan to develop autonomous ships incorporating artificial intelligence technology by 2025. .

In order to solve the problem of imbalance in the supply and demand of manpower that was leaked during the shipbuilding recession, the plan is to secure about 8,000 manpower through incentive payments and educational support.

(Video coverage: Jo Jung-young, Video editing: Lee Seung-yeol)