Chinanews client, Beijing, September 4 (Gong Hongyu, Zuo Yuqing) "How much money can I make when I find a new job?" In the future, this sentence may become, "When I find a new job, how much does it cost?" "

  "Internal scrolling" has become a hot word for job hunting. Traditional services of changing resumes and training interviews can no longer satisfy anxious job seekers and profit-seeking job agencies. Services that claim to ensure that students get an Offer (enterprise employment notice) have become popular.

The scene of a job fair.

Photo by Huang Yanmei

"We have internal resources"

  A few months ago, the fresh graduate Xiaoyi (pseudonym) purchased the "Provide Offer" Alpha program worth 60,000 yuan at a job training organization-Jobman. The job search target was several top law firms.

The Alpha plan includes 10 45-minute one-on-one job search tutorials, with a single price of 1,280 yuan.

  In the telephone sales, the staff promised to provide the "internal resources" of these top law firms to ensure that the primary one gets the offer.

  According to many interviewees, the internal resources in the job interview include internal written test questions, internal counseling, and internal network resources.

  In addition to the law firm, the job interview also assures the trainees that they have "internal resources" including major Internet companies, finance companies, and fast-moving consumer companies.

You can enter the top companies in the industry by purchasing the corresponding services.

  Xiaoyi told that she had chosen to sign up because she had taken a fancy to the promise from the job-question platform that "the target offer is not available, and the fee will be refunded within 3-7 working days".

  The contract supplementary agreement signed by the two parties also stipulates that during the service process, if the job seeker abandons the job application due to personal or external reasons, and when Jobs does not assist the job seeker to obtain the target company's target position employment notice, the two parties can sign a termination agreement.

The job seeker obtains the target offer by himself in the middle, or the agreement can be terminated.

  However, after signing the contract, the job seeker found that the so-called internal resources were only push codes and written test questions from previous years. There were no effective internal resources and no guarantee of an offer.

Data map: The recruitment consultant will introduce the recommended positions to graduates through live broadcast.

(Image and text irrelevant) Photo by China News Agency reporter Wu Junjie

"If the offer is not received, the money won't come back"

  Xiao Rong (pseudonym), who did not get an offer to apply for a refund, has been in arrears with the refund for more than 8 months. The "3-7 days refund" agreed in the agreement is also a routine.

  At present, there are nearly a hundred trainees who are in arrears in the rights protection group of the "Job Refunds" group.

Some trainees signed a new round of supplementary agreements with the staff: they agreed to postpone the refund, and the postponed part was charged at bank interest.

  However, whether a full refund can be received on time after signing the supplementary agreement is still unknown.

  The student Ms. Wang felt that this might be a "serial pit".

Some trainees who received the refund stated that after waiting for a long time, they only got 50%-70% of the full amount.

Xiaohan (pseudonym), who has not signed the agreement, is even more anxious, "I don't know when I will get back the 60,000 yuan."

  Facing the doubts of the trainees, the job interview said that the company has received investments from Tencent, Zhilian and Netease, and the capital chain is okay.

In fact, the phenomenon of arrears in refunds is very serious.

  Regarding this, Jiang Bao, a partner and lawyer of Beijing Lianggao Law Firm, said that after the expiration or termination of the service, the job seeker should retire in the agreed upon appointment if he fails to obtain the employment notice from the list of target companies specified in the contract. Within the payment period, refund the job applicant's corresponding fees in time.

The practice of owing arrears by the staff has constituted a breach of contract.

The scene of a special job fair for offline graduates.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Wu Junjie

The so-called "guaranteed offer" is to use probability to arbitrage money

  Behind the phenomenon that graduates spend high prices to find jobs, the number of college graduates in 2021 will exceed the 9 million mark for the first time, and the competition for job hunting is fierce.

Everyone wants to squeeze their heads into famous companies, but they are developed into a market for cutting leeks by pre-employment education companies.

  Many pre-employment education companies claim to be able to: provide "Famous Enterprise Insurance Offer" plans, with prices ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands; internship experience from large companies can also be bought, and the price of a one-month online internship is about 2 Ten thousand-50,000 yuan, and a letter of recommendation from company insiders.

  However, Mr. Wang, who is engaged in the pre-employment education industry, said that the so-called "guarantee successful offer" is a probability event. If the job seeker is strong enough to get an offer through training, the job seeker will make a profit.

If you don't get the Offer, you can refund a portion of the money, and the platform won't lose money.

  "These agencies took advantage of the anxiety of job seekers and created an information gap that made you think that the offer is guaranteed, so you don't have to work harder. In the end, you found that you didn't get the offer and missed the golden job hunting season. "Mr. Wang said.

  An HR staff member of a major Internet company responded to that there is no sale of internships and job opportunities.

If a candidate is found to have a false internship experience, he will not be hired.

Guaranteed Offer cannot be realized at all.

  Will you spend money to find a job?
