[Explanation] With the rapid development of sneaker culture, the collection of sneakers has become more emotional and business opportunities coexist, and many emerging professions have emerged.

Jiang Tangzhu (pseudonym, the same below) is a native of Tongxiang, Zhejiang. Now he is a famous shoe box repairer in the shoe ring. He has a store in Jiaxing with friends. He has been repairing shoe boxes part-time for more than 3 years. There are nearly 4,000 shoeboxes repaired by hand, ranging from out-of-print items worth tens of thousands of dollars to ordinary shoeboxes worth a few hundred dollars. No matter what the damage is, after his repair, it will be as bright as new.

Jiang Tangzhu told reporters that there are very few professional shoe box repairers on the market. Firstly, they do not make money; secondly, the requirements for professionalism are relatively high. He can stick to it because of his hobby.

  [Concurrent] Shoebox repairer Jiang Tangzhu

  One is the self-satisfaction, the second is the sense of accomplishment in the process of repairing a shoebox from broken to good, and the third is that it can help others. This also makes me very happy, mainly because of these three reasons. Let me keep going.

  [Explanation] Master Jiang Tang said frankly that, in fact, repairing a shoe box is much more difficult than repairing a pair of sneakers. In addition to time-consuming and labor-intensive, it is impossible to dislike the culture of the shoe ring or study.

  [Concurrent] Shoebox repairer Jiang Tangzhu

  Shoes and shoeboxes are not the same when they leave the factory. The shoebox is the whole template first, and the shoes are industrially assembled in pieces.

(Repair the shoe box) The entry threshold is actually very low, because you only need to have glue, but its advanced threshold will be higher, because you will deal with different shoe boxes and different levels of damage and different conditions , You will have to think of a way or several plans to deal with it and deal with it.

Generally, I will refer to the material of some shoe boxes, its workmanship and the various colors of the shoe box, to find the tools and consumables that can repair it.

  [Explanation] Jiang Tang said that with the development of the sneaker market, 80% of his customers are to trade sneakers on the online platform, and the platform has requirements for shoe boxes.

Only the remaining 20% ​​is for commemoration and collection.

  [Concurrent] Shoebox repairer Jiang Tangzhu

  When trading sneakers, most of them use professional platforms. Professional platforms not only have requirements for shoes, but also for shoe boxes. If your shoe box does not pass, it will affect the value of shoes by about 5%- Between 20%, if it is a shoe of 1,000 yuan, it may affect between 200 yuan, if you are a shoe of 10,000 yuan, damage to the box may cause a loss of income of 2,000 to 4,000 yuan.

  [Explanation] As a trend culture lover, Jiang Tangzhu pursues the combination of sneakers and shoe boxes to convey a complete cultural concept. He insists on his feelings and is willing to serve like-minded people. Therefore, for many years, he only charges consumables for repairing shoe boxes. , Never calculate the value of sneakers, and the transfer of emotions between people is what he values.

  [Concurrent] Shoebox repairer Jiang Tangzhu

  When I met, I told him that your (shoebox) is already a puzzle, why do you want to fix it? He said that this shoebox is a very good friend of him and him, and it is special for them. Meaning, they may have torn the shoe box because of a quarrel or because of something. Now they are reconciled. After the reconciliation, the shoe box also wants to repair it. I hope their feelings can be as good as the shoe box. Recovered.

So I asked me to fix it for him, and later it also fixes it for him.

  [Explanation] The partner Zhu Jie also praised Jiang Tangzhu, saying that the business of the store is getting better and better when the two complement each other.

However, the owner of the pond has to think about the longer term. For the label of his shoebox repairer, he values ​​repairs rather than shoeboxes.

  [Concurrent] Partner Zhu Jie

  We are all mutually. The customer of his shoe box must have more or less problems with the shoes, and the customer of my shoes has more or less problems with his shoe box. We all complement each other.

The most exaggerated time of his shoebox was to make it for 8 hours, just to perfect it.

  [Concurrent] Shoebox repairer Jiang Tangzhu

  In the future, I think I might expand the category of my repair, maybe not only repair the shoe box, because I have started to repair other things, such as some toys, models, and then some lipsticks and some game cassettes and some cards. , This kind of slowly expands, and I can’t limit myself to something like a simple shoe repair box, because there may be many people who need to repair, but my skill can help them by analogy, so I still want to do it all. My own ability to help them.

  Reporter Shen Yishan from Jiaxing, Zhejiang

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]