Aeon, a major distributor, will start a new payment service using smartphones in September.

The aim is to improve customer convenience by integrating various online services provided by affiliated companies.

The payment service newly provided by Aeon from September 1 will use a dedicated application for smartphones.

The credit card information issued by the group is registered in advance, and the payment is made by scanning the QR code with a smartphone when shopping.

In addition, the dedicated app allows you to manage the services provided individually by affiliated companies, such as issuing product coupons and ordering online supermarkets, as well as unifying the points of electronic money and credit cards. It also has functions, which will increase customer convenience.

Currently, Aeon has about 46 million credit card members and a cumulative total of 88 million electronic commerce issued, and the company has a huge number of customers by linking new apps and payment services to these. The aim is to analyze data such as purchase history and utilize it in sales.

In the field of cashless payments, IT companies such as Rakuten Group and LINE are trying to retain customers by collectively providing services necessary for daily life, but with the entry of major distribution companies, Competition in this area is likely to intensify.