The farmers' association is expecting a disappointing harvest this year.

42.4 million tons of grain are expected, almost two percent less than in the previous year, as the association announced on Friday based on preliminary data.

The amount is 4.7 percent below the average for 2015 to 2020. "This year's grain harvest is once again below average," said Farmer President Joachim Rukwied.

Frequent hail and heavy rain would have shown that farmers are directly feeling the effects of climate change.

"We started the harvest with confidence at first," explained Rukwied.

However, the first results were disappointing, and this has also been confirmed.

There were also constant interruptions due to precipitation.

“The 2021 harvest was a shiver.” However, corn, sugar beets and vegetables have benefited from the summer rainfall and are in good shape at the moment.

The farmers were hoping for better weather for the upcoming autumn work.

Fortunately, the prices that can be achieved for the farmers have now increased significantly.

This gives reason to hope that the economic situation of arable farms will recover at least a little after previous lean years.

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, which presented a balance sheet on Wednesday, also expects a weaker grain harvest of a similar magnitude of 42.1 million tons.