China News Service, Yiyang, August 20 (Song Mei Fu Jingyi) "Old Dai, I did not expect that the muskmelon under the vines could have such a high yield. According to the current market conditions of grapes and melons, the yield per mu in our grape field should be this year. It can reach 15,000 yuan!” In the early morning of August 20, Long Lunqiong, a fruit farmer in Xiangdong Village, Datong Lake District, Yiyang, Hunan, and her husband came to the grape shed to pick grapes and melons under the vine simultaneously. The couple's daily income can reach 2,000. Yuan.

  A small part of the grapes and melons that have been picked is transported by Long Lunqiong to the market for sale, and most of them are sent to the centralized purchasing point by the husband.

By interplanting melons under the vines, Long Lunqiong has not only become the first "crab-eating" person in the village to interplant crops under the vines, the income of interplanting land can increase by more than 3,000 yuan per mu, and the total income of four acres of grapes this year is expected to exceed 50,000. Yuan.

  50-year-old Long Lunqiong and her husband have been farming all their lives and are peasants in the Dongting Lake area.

In December 2008, by chance, Long Lunqiong saw a new scene of growing grapes on dry land in Shaoyang, and learned that proper management of grapes can continue to bear fruit for ten years, and the yield and benefit are several times that of traditional crops.

She and her husband immediately made a bold decision to plant grapes on the dry land. At the same time, she told the other villagers in the village about the idea and made a collective experiment.

Long Lunqiong planted the local muskmelon in the Dongting Lake area under the vines.

Photo by Song Mei

  The villagers hit it off and did what they said. After many on-site inspections, the first batch of grape seedlings were introduced from Shandong.

However, due to lack of technology and lack of understanding of the differences between northern and southern grape planting, the survival rate of the first grape seedlings planted by Long Lunqiong and the villagers was extremely low.

In the second year, many farmers withdrew from grape planting, and only a small number of them were still "deadly fighting" with Long Lunqiong and grapes.

  In order to find out the reason why the grape seedlings did not survive very high, Long Lunqiong and her husband bought technical books and videos on grape planting. After repeated studies, they finally found the key reason for grape planting-"unacceptable water and soil": the grapes in the village were blooming and fruiting. It is the rainy season in the south.

  In order to overcome this problem, Long Lunqiong and his wife improved the "hardware and software" and took the lead in establishing the Shunhe Grape Planting Cooperative, signed a three-year service agreement to hire specialized grape technicians, and mobilized growers to pave the grape racks with rain protection. Membrane".

After 4 months of careful management, the five varieties of grapes from Longlunqiongjia Vineyard matured successively, and they were sold out by the local market as soon as they went on the market. The output value per mu exceeded 3,000 yuan that year, which was twice the output value of traditional crops.

Long Lunqiong's grapes and melons ushered in a "double harvest".

Photo by Song Mei

  After enjoying the sweetness, Long Lunqiong and the villagers began to expand the area and encouraged more villagers to join in the grape planting.

With the "leader", villagers have joined the ranks of grape planting. The partners of the base have gradually expanded from the first five households to the current 18 households. The grape planting area in the village has also changed from 12 acres to 180 acres now.

  After 11 years of development, Xiangdong Village’s grape planting has formed a “regular training + farmers’ self-management + centralized sales” operation model. People, the village's annual income from grapes alone has exceeded 1.8 million yuan.

  In order to make the land continue to "generate gold" and allow more villagers to embark on a well-off road, in 2021, Long Lunqiong began to "make a fuss" under the grape trusses and make a new experiment in interplanting.

According to the nutritional requirements of the grape growing period and the distribution characteristics of dryland soil fertility, she interplanted local melon under the grape racks when the grape seedlings were renewed and planted for the first time to cultivate the new harvest pole of dryland three-dimensional interplanting.

In August, the grape shed ushered in a "double harvest" of grapes and melons, and Long Lunqiong's first attempt was successful.

  "With this year's successful experience, next year, other fruit growers can use the same interplanting model when updating varieties, so that everyone can circulate'golden' on the limited land, and the days will become sweeter and sweeter." The bunches of "jewel" grapes on the grape rack and the "golden jade" melons under the grape rack one by one, Long Lunqiong said that she felt the happiness of "getting rich under the grape vines", and also felt the collective rush of modern farmers in the new era. Beautiful.
