The total number of companies that went bankrupt due to the effects of the new coronavirus has reached 1,900 since February last year.

Credit bureaus have pointed out that the extension of the state of emergency and the expansion of the target area could lead to an even faster increase in bankruptcies at restaurants and other places.

According to the summary of "Teikoku Databank",

companies that went bankrupt

due to the influence of the new corona virus


companies that stopped their business and started preparing for legal reorganization include

individual business owners. From February to 18th last year, the total number of companies has reached 1900.

By industry,

▽ "restaurants" accounted for the largest number at 314 companies,

followed by

▽ "construction and construction business" at 190 companies,

▽ "hotels and inns" at 106 companies, and

▽ "food wholesalers" at 100 companies. ..

By month when bankruptcies occurred,

▽ March was the most frequent with 175 companies,

▽ Next, April and July were 164 companies

, which has been on the increase since spring.

According to Teikoku Databank, "The rapid spread of infection has led to the conspicuous bankruptcies of restaurants in metropolitan areas such as Tokyo and Osaka, and contractors who undertake repairs of stores. With the expansion, there is a risk that bankruptcies will increase at an even faster pace in the future. "