LA FRANCE BOUGE - How to make a new start after burnout?

How to get support to change activity after a burnout?

Adèle Galey, co-founder of the Ticket For Change organization, gives you three recommendations in the special La France Bouge "Et si on changait de vie" on Europe 1.


After a burnout, some people prefer to change jobs.

But before taking the plunge, some precautions are in order ... It is important to identify the reasons for exhaustion before embarking on a new activity.


La France Bouge special "Et si we change de vie"

, Adèle Galey, co-founder of the Ticket For Change organization, helps you ask yourself the right questions to overcome this ordeal. 

You want to listen to

La France Bouge


What if we changed our life?

>> From August 9 to 20, listen to the program on the channel of Europe 1 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

>> Also find the podcast programs on the Europe 1 application and on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer and Amazon Music 

Don't be afraid to ask for help 

“Asking for help is a first step towards recognizing your symptoms. Burnout, or professional exhaustion, was named in 1969 and is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). is characterized by: 'a feeling of intense fatigue, loss of control and inability to achieve concrete results at work.' To name it is therefore already to recognize it. media or in their entourage. They thus allow others to feel recognized and legitimate in their discomfort. Asking for help is therefore a courageous, civic act, which makes this disease real for all people. people who experience it, and of course for you as a priority.You can talk to occupational medicine by requesting an appointment, to your attending physician,to a psychologist or coach. Anyone you trust and who can support you or redirect you to the right people. "

Share your desires with those around you

"Talking about it to those close to you is sometimes very difficult, but it's a great way to break the taboo and make this desire for a change of life a reality. The more you talk about it, the more 'witnesses' there are. , in a way, of these new desires. And this even if they are not yet very concrete or defined. These witnesses are people who will be able to ask us: 'So where are you with this desire?', 'You have need help? ',' I have such and such a contact who could help you with this! '

It's a smooth and very efficient way to engage the machine and not be the sole driver of the dynamics. "

Stay tuned to yourself 

“What is right for you at this time? Try to identify this, with professional help if you can. Was your burnout due to a contextual issue that may Solve yourself or surpass yourself? Or is the cause a fundamental problem related for example to your work environment, your manager or the type of task you perform? Take the time to identify this if you wish to gradually reintegrate your company, by changing position for example. This can also help you if you want to leave permanently, for example by negotiating an amicable break-up, to allow you to receive benefits and unemployment. It is accessible to all employees on permanent contracts regardless of seniority.

And then of course take the time you need to rest before considering what will be the next path in which you want to grow personally and professionally.

The ideal way to get help is to carry out a skills assessment (Ticket for Change, Switch Collective, Mon job de sens,, So Many Ways ...), have you accompanied by a coach (Aristote Institute, Coach Around the World ...), a shrink, a mentor, a group of peers (makesense) ... or all of this at the same time. 

Finally, what you have to listen to, above all, is of course your body.

It is often he who gives us the first signs that things are not going well.

So once these signals are identified, learn to take care of your body and listen to it! "