The Nikkei Stock Average on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the 11th rose.

The price has risen for four consecutive business days, recovering to the 28,000 yen level as the closing price for the first time in about a month.

The Nikkei Stock Average, the closing price on the 11th, was 28,070.51 yen, which is 182.36 yen higher than the 10th.

The price has risen for four consecutive business days, and has recovered to the 28,000 yen level as the closing price for the first time in about a month since the 16th of last month.

Tokyo Stock Price Index = Topics also rose 17.80 to 1954.08.

The daily trading volume was 1,160.13 million shares.

Market officials said, "In the United States, infrastructure investment has progressed and buy orders have been placed in the hope that the economy will recover, and the Nikkei Stock Average has risen by more than 200 yen in the morning. There is further concern that the economic recovery will be delayed due to the rapid spread of coronavirus infection, which is one of the factors behind the slow rise in stock prices compared to the Western stock market. "