LA FRANCE BOUGE - How do you get started in a new professional activity as a duo?

What are the secrets to change your life together without friction?

Adèle Galey, co-founder of the Ticket For Change organization, gives you three pieces of advice on the special La France Bouge "Et si on changer de vie" on Europe 1.


The idea of ​​a change of life is sometimes born in two.

Quit your job to create a business as a couple with your life partner, or even with a brother, parent or best friend, are you interested?

To preserve your relationship and carry out this project, a few rules are in order… In La France Bouge special “Et si on change de vie”, Adèle Galey, co-founder of the Ticket For Change organization, helps you to skip the not.

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 La France Bouge


What if we changed our life?

>> From August 9 to 20, listen to the program on the channel of Europe 1 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

>> Also find a preview of all the podcast programs on the Europe 1 application and on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer and Amazon Music 

Make time for yourself

"Whether you are going for two, as a couple, as a family, with a friend or simply with an associate, it is essential to dedicate time for each other. At work, as in a couple, for that matter, together does not mean to merge! It is very important to each have their own spaces for action and exploration, not to try to do everything together but to divide up the tasks and areas in which we have a right of “veto” ”, That is to say the last word. This makes it possible to make each other grow and also to satisfy a natural need in each human being: the recognition of his individuality, of his own successes or of his“ failures ”, for learn better. Outside of work, it is also important to avoid times when we do not talk about work, accept to say no to others,sanctify these precise spaces-times to do things in pairs or alone. In short: to recharge your batteries. "

Communicate, communicate, communicate

"Communication, it is well known, it is the basis of everything! So many problems between two associates could have been solved if only people had known how to say things to each other, and especially in the right way! Of course we talk nonviolent communication, not blaming or criticism without propositions which are sterile ways of communicating. Nonviolent communication is a process that strengthens our ability to give kindly and inspire others to want to do the same. There are many books to study or courses to follow on this subject. You can find plenty of resources here: To get started, we recommend the book

Cease being nice, be true

by Thomas d'Ansembourg (also available in conference here), because we think it's an excellent first principle to have with your partner! "

Choose your partner wisely 

"So of course, there too, as in love, it is useless to wait FOR THE great love, the unique soul-mate that we guess at a glance! There are no rules, it can very well to be with her husband, her best friend or… a complete stranger! The important thing once again is to choose yourself well, to accept to see it as a real process, almost as a mutual recruitment. time at the beginning to settle down, to share the mutual visions, the modes of operation, the aspirations of each one, the fears are also very important, and all that you will find relevant to say to you. Even what seems to us a detail can turn out to be important! Also maybe agree to do a test, without putting pressure on each other, such as a mutual trial period of a few months, before choosing each other,to say YES for good. A successful association is being prepared ... and is cultivated. We advise you to repeat a point of this type every year, since your desires, fears or visions may have changed a lot! "