China News Service, July 23. According to the website of the National Energy Administration, on July 22, Zhang Jianhua, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the National Energy Administration, presided over a special meeting to listen to reports on the power industry’s flood control and extreme heavy rainfall disaster response in Zhengzhou. Study and judge the damage to the energy industry, and deploy post-disaster energy security and flood prevention work.

Data map: Employees in the infrastructure section of Zhengzhou high-speed rail are strengthening the signal relay station for flood control.

Photo by Gao Guoqiao

  The meeting emphasized that the national flood control situation this year is relatively severe, especially the extreme heavy rainfall disaster in Zhengzhou has a greater impact on the power, communications, water supply, transportation and other industries.

Electricity is a basic industry, and its stable and reliable supply is related to economic and social development and people's lives.

  The meeting requested that we must do a good job in energy and power protection and flood prevention work.

Timely and accurately understand the energy supply situation in Henan Province, further explore the impact of disasters on the supply of electricity, oil, natural gas and coal, comb and evaluate the damage to energy infrastructure such as power transmission lines, oil and gas pipeline networks, and be aware of the next step. Lay the foundation for resuming work.

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to do a solid job in guaranteeing all kinds of energy, especially power, grid companies should carry out emergency repairs of outage lines, restore the normal operation of the main grid as soon as possible, prioritize the priority, achieve "one household, one policy", and give priority to the restoration of important users and users. People’s daily life power supply; power generation companies must strictly implement dispatching disciplines to ensure stable and reliable output of units; oil and gas companies must strengthen pipeline network inspections and risk elimination to ensure the safety of oil and gas transmission; safety departments, power departments, Henan Energy Regulatory Office and other units must coordinate and coordinate. Good supervision, guidance and service.

  The meeting mentioned that it is necessary to prevent secondary disasters, strictly implement safety production rules and regulations, comprehensively control safety risks, eliminate hidden dangers in time, and prevent personal and equipment liability accidents during emergency rescue and resumption of operation.

Pay close attention to hot topics in online media, and actively respond to the reasonable demands of the masses for energy use reflected through the 12398 hotline and other channels, so as to achieve "everything is implemented and everything is answered".

Strengthen on-duty duty, strictly implement the 24-hour on-duty and leadership-driven system during important periods, to ensure the smooth flow of information channels, and to properly handle various emergencies in a timely manner.