The Nikkei Stock Average rose for the first time in 6 business days in response to the rise in stock prices in the Tokyo stock market on the 21st and the New York market on the 20th.

▽ Nikkei Stock Average, closing price on the 21st is 159.84 yen higher than the 20th, 27,548 yen.

▽ Tokyo Stock Price Index = Topics increased by 15.52 to 1904.41.

▽ The daily trading volume was 937.25 million shares.

Market officials said, "Since the Nikkei Stock Average had fallen by more than 1,300 yen in five business days until the 20th, there was a widespread movement to buy back a wide range of stocks after the start of the transaction. However, in the afternoon, consecutive holidays from tomorrow Before, sell orders became dominant in order to secure immediate profits. "